Covering of hearing aids with your hair


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Sep 3, 2005
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This morning, I saw a girl, who was (I suspect) no more than 14 years old, who was wearing full shell ite's (her hair was tied back). I wonder what the attitude of the female members of this url was when they were that age, and whether they now cover their hearing aids with their hair, and what made them decide to. Also, have you worn a different type of hearing aids since then, and how old were you when you changed?

I'm guy so I cant really speak for women but hearing loss does still carry a stigma.
As women who had been wearing Ha's all her life.... so i guess growing up with HA becomes part of you and we take no notice of other people. I now have CI which is on the large side and when my hair is tied back i lie my coil on the outside and i am not bothered about people stares/gawps.
I don't remember putting my hair up in elementary school years other than PE, but I definitely put it up in middle school (6th-8th grade) because
1) It's hot! (I lived in Miami)
2) Who cares? Everyone knew that I was deaf anyway.
3) I have fun catching people looking at my ears. I love awkward moments.
I have short hair. I can't stand the feeling of long hair. If people care to look, that is fine. :)
This morning, I saw a girl, who was (I suspect) no more than 14 years old, who was wearing full shell ite's (her hair was tied back). I wonder what the attitude of the female members of this url was when they were that age, and whether they now cover their hearing aids with their hair, and what made them decide to. Also, have you worn a different type of hearing aids since then, and how old were you when you changed?

When I started wearing hearing aids at age 15, I was embarrassed to tie my hair back for fear of being laughed at.

However, once I began to realize how much my hearing aids allowed me to hear, I started wearing my hair in a pony tail and did not care about the comments I received from others.

If anything, my classmates were great about it and would oftentimes say things to me like "You are hearing so much better now!"

Nowadays, I have bilateral CIs. Since I have waist-length hair, I wear it tied back in a braid or pony tail 95% of the time. I haven't had many comments about my CIs. The most common question I'm asked is "Are you wearing a Bluetooth device?" :lol:

I'm not embarrassed at all about my CIs and am more than happy when people take notice because it's an excellent opportunity for me to educate them about hearing loss and deafness.
When I was a child I wore my hair up and wasn't bothered who saw my HA, but during my latter teenage years I went through a phase of being self concious and covered up with my hair.

Now I am older and have bilateral HAs I don't care who sees them, they make such a huge difference to my life that I'm not in the least ashamed of them. My hair looks better shorter anyway, and if people can see my HAs they hopefully realise that if I misunderstand them or ignore what they say, it's because I'm deaf and not because I'm stupid or rude.

I find that most people are interested and understanding anyway. Anyone who's not isn't worth the time of day.

I have bilateral super-power BTEs.
I mostly put my hair up but if Im going out partying and stuff, Ill put my hair down to make me look nicer. i dont care who sees my implant.
I'm a hearie and I seriously don't know what is wrong with wearing/showing off your HA's or CI's... LOL. Maybe it's just that I am very open minded... :giggle:

If I were wearing either, I'd show them off like hell :D and be proud of them!

I think at 14 my hair was either pulled back or down. But now, my hair is pulled back everyday, cause my hearing aid is weird, if my hair is down and brushes against the hearing aid it turns off. very weird. so I just leave my hair pulled back and no problem. I don't care if people see my hearing aid, I have a bright red earmold!
I do not care if people see my hearing aide . I wanted one a red one but it was not strong enough for my hearing lost. I tried to buy a ear trumpet as I thought it would funny to pull it out when people ask me if I was deaf! I would love to see the look on the person face!
I had a long hair on my middle back. I pulled back my hair for exercise, cooking, and hot weather. When it's cool and cold outside. My hair is go down. I always fix my hair all the times. I don't wear a ponytail now because I got haircut my hair to short, wispy and bang last winter.

I don't care about the people stare at my HA. Everyone knew I am deaf. It doesn't bother me.

I know why the people are shy to show their HA because maybe be ugly earmold or unmatch color. Ummm They thought it was shame to wear HA or CI. It's not shame to wear it same as glasses and brace on teeth.
Short hair and don't care. They stare more at my wheelchair and service dog.

Plus, if they're looking at my ears instead of my face, that's their loss.
I wear an in the ear model of Ha. I wish I could get it in a funky colour, this skin tone colour is so boring! I wear my hair up and down, depending on my mood. I actually prefer people see it, then there is a chance they will speak to me better.
I wear an in the ear model of Ha. I wish I could get it in a funky colour, this skin tone colour is so boring
Maybe you could get BTEs for your next set.
I used to be very self conscious about my being hoh. I even went the ITE route in jr high...Now I have short hair and I don't care who sees my aids.
I wear an in the ear model of Ha. I wish I could get it in a funky colour, this skin tone colour is so boring! I wear my hair up and down, depending on my mood. I actually prefer people see it, then there is a chance they will speak to me better.

You might be next to wear BTE instead ITE. I thought ITE is for hoh and older people with hearing loss. The ITE look boring to me. You're right.
I wear an in the ear model of Ha. I wish I could get it in a funky colour, this skin tone colour is so boring! I wear my hair up and down, depending on my mood. I actually prefer people see it, then there is a chance they will speak to me better.

I agree with you! I hate the skin color HA, and mine has gray on it too! Really ugly ! I saw some heaing aide in animal print, it was so Cool! And I am a grandma!
pink, I think ITE is for anyone who have the appropriate hearing loss and want it.
You might be next to wear BTE instead ITE. I thought ITE is for hoh and older people with hearing loss. The ITE look boring to me. You're right.

I tried to get used to a bte digital, couldn't do it, just co8uldn't do it. this in the ear digital is more like my old analog, and I am still adjusting, haven't been able to wear it all day yet. Maybe I should paint my in the ear one, hahah. Actually, hmm, not a bad idea!
I tried to get used to a bte digital, couldn't do it, just co8uldn't do it. this in the ear digital is more like my old analog, and I am still adjusting, haven't been able to wear it all day yet. Maybe I should paint my in the ear one, hahah. Actually, hmm, not a bad idea!

LoL maybe not good and bad idea. I can see ite on ear very easy. But CIC is more invisible But CIC have 2 different color blue and red. ITE is boring beige! Some of light brown for black people. CI and HA BTE are funky color to show off! It alike a bluetooth. :giggle:

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