countdown to CI surgery!

I got nasty cold yesterday my sinus was soooo stuffed up and I had sinus headache that even vicodin didn't work and today I sneezed 10 times in 30 minutes, wow I haven't had cold this bad in years I'm so tired can't get enough sleep even if I slept like 10 hours ugh.
I think I jinxed myself when I told my bf I didn't sneeze at all since surgery and then 2 days later here I am with nasty cold lol
Hello, an update on me.
I'm totally better from cold finally! Lol and I think I am fully healed from surgery as well only sometimes out of blue or if I press my finger on one exact spot next to implant I get mild ache little tender like bruise. That's it and I can feel scar tissue forming under the incision feel so strange lol but its not visible to naked eye though that's good thing.
I wonder about tinnitus CI stopped the tinnitus in my right ear for some reason cuz I got implanted in my left ear. But I got new and ridiliciously loud tinnitus in left ear, only 2 times when it ring so loud I started get little dizzy for few minutes then went away. Does it happen to you?
Hope getting it activated will kill the tinnitus and tell my cochlea to shut up and I'll give it what it want lmao (sound)
And also I keep feeling around my implant cuz its so strange and can feel the bottom part of implant the metal part but having trouble finding magnet bump can't find it and I can barely feel the plastic part its weird I'll get over the weirdness of having ci eventually lol.
Hello, an update on me.
I'm totally better from cold finally! Lol and I think I am fully healed from surgery as well only sometimes out of blue or if I press my finger on one exact spot next to implant I get mild ache little tender like bruise. That's it and I can feel scar tissue forming under the incision feel so strange lol but its not visible to naked eye though that's good thing.
I wonder about tinnitus CI stopped the tinnitus in my right ear for some reason cuz I got implanted in my left ear. But I got new and ridiliciously loud tinnitus in left ear, only 2 times when it ring so loud I started get little dizzy for few minutes then went away. Does it happen to you?
Hope getting it activated will kill the tinnitus and tell my cochlea to shut up and I'll give it what it want lmao (sound)
And also I keep feeling around my implant cuz its so strange and can feel the bottom part of implant the metal part but having trouble finding magnet bump can't find it and I can barely feel the plastic part its weird I'll get over the weirdness of having ci eventually lol.

Glad to hear that you are finished with the nasty cold and are adjusting well to the new CI. That is strange that implantation of the left side stopped tinnitus on the right side. I'm sure your doctor will have an explanation.
Glad to hear that you are finished with the nasty cold and are adjusting well to the new CI. That is strange that implantation of the left side stopped tinnitus on the right side. I'm sure your doctor will have an explanation.
Me too. I'm glad you're better.. It's odd that the ringing in your right ear stopped when your left ear got implanted.
Hello, an update on me.
I'm totally better from cold finally! Lol and I think I am fully healed from surgery as well only sometimes out of blue or if I press my finger on one exact spot next to implant I get mild ache little tender like bruise. That's it and I can feel scar tissue forming under the incision feel so strange lol but its not visible to naked eye though that's good thing.
I wonder about tinnitus CI stopped the tinnitus in my right ear for some reason cuz I got implanted in my left ear. But I got new and ridiliciously loud tinnitus in left ear, only 2 times when it ring so loud I started get little dizzy for few minutes then went away. Does it happen to you?
Hope getting it activated will kill the tinnitus and tell my cochlea to shut up and I'll give it what it want lmao (sound)
And also I keep feeling around my implant cuz its so strange and can feel the bottom part of implant the metal part but having trouble finding magnet bump can't find it and I can barely feel the plastic part its weird I'll get over the weirdness of having ci eventually lol.

Glad to hear the cold has improved! I think you will find that worsening tinnitus after surgery in the implanted ear is very common, as it is recovering from trauma but typically, the tinnitus decreases as you continue to recover. It might get worse again right after activation but then settle down again after a while when your brain can make sense of the sounds. I can't explain the decrease of tinnitus in the other ear though! I've heard of that happening after activation but not before. Interesting!
Glad to hear the cold has improved! I think you will find that worsening tinnitus after surgery in the implanted ear is very common, as it is recovering from trauma but typically, the tinnitus decreases as you continue to recover. It might get worse again right after activation but then settle down again after a while when your brain can make sense of the sounds. I can't explain the decrease of tinnitus in the other ear though! I've heard of that happening after activation but not before. Interesting!

Speaking of tinnitus, I had almost no tinnitus after surgery in my left ear. I've never had it in my right ear. The only time i ever get it anymore is when my landline phone rings. I turned off the volume and I route all commerical calls to my landline phone as I never answer it.
I wonder about tinnitus CI stopped the tinnitus in my right ear for some reason cuz I got implanted in my left ear. Does it happen to you?
Hope getting it activated will kill the tinnitus and tell my cochlea to shut up and I'll give it what it want lmao (sound)
And also I keep feeling around my implant cuz its so strange and can feel the bottom part of implant the metal part but having trouble finding magnet bump can't find it and I can barely feel the plastic part its weird I'll get over the weirdness of having ci eventually lol.

Hey! Glad you're feeling better! I didn't have tinnitus in my left ear, where I was implanted so I cannot comment about that. However, I was having tinnitus in my right for quite a while. I took off my hearing aids today due to activation, and audiologist orders. The tinnitus went away. So yeah, we're bizarre that way! :)

I cannot feel my implant at all, so I know what you mean trying to find the magnet. You can't really feel it because where the magnet is, it's flushed to the surface that holds the magnet. However...I can tell you from activation today, that the coil "finds" the magnet pretty quick! You'll get used to it quickly enough!
I was bored one night so I made this audiogram to let everyone know what my audiogram look like and what I am hoping for. Also if the result of my CI didnt get to my desired result line (pink line) im fine with it as long i can hear most speech sound and try to lipread the sound i couldnt hear :)

OH I love that!! How did you make it? I have no scanner, so I cannot scan my Audiogram results, and this is very cool! :)
OH I love that!! How did you make it? I have no scanner, so I cannot scan my Audiogram results, and this is very cool! :)

Oh haha I just made it with microsoft paint on computer, I don't have scanner either so I looked at my paper and copied it and then looked online for speech banana and put all letter from online audiogram in there Lol (I couldn't copied from online audiogram to put paint line on it or it'll show up black, white or gray no color so I made it all by myself) you can do same thing and put it in photobucket and copy the IMG code and put it in thread so it's bigger than thumbnail :)
Oh haha I just made it with microsoft paint on computer, I don't have scanner either so I looked at my paper and copied it and then looked online for speech banana and put all letter from online audiogram in there Lol (I couldn't copied from online audiogram to put paint line on it or it'll show up black, white or gray no color so I made it all by myself) you can do same thing and put it in photobucket and copy the IMG code and put it in thread so it's bigger than thumbnail :)

Great job. I hope you make it all the way to the pink line. Will we have to change your screen name to "pinkie" then?:giggle:
I start to experienced some discharge on bottom of my incision (like last 1/2 inch of the incision) if I wipe that part with tissue I saw little discharge on tissue sort of yellowish with tiny streak of pink color color no smell at all, but the part is little puffy is it infected? Or lymph node dishcarge? I cleaned it with peroxide what can I do about it now?
I start to experienced some discharge on bottom of my incision (like last 1/2 inch of the incision) if I wipe that part with tissue I saw little discharge on tissue sort of yellowish with tiny streak of pink color color no smell at all, but the part is little puffy is it infected? Or lymph node dishcarge? I cleaned it with peroxide what can I do about it now?

I would go and see your doctor to be on the safe side. None of us here on the forum is qualified to assess if your incision infected or not. I hope it's nothing serious and that everything is okay.

Tomorrow is my biggest day! Activation day! Whoo-hoo! Lol
I forgot to post about what my doctor said about discharge he told me its lymph secretion trying to get rid of dissolved stitch out of body so no big deal.
My bf's mom brought video camcorder yesterday! So sweet of her! Now I will definately get some video of my activation! :) (that if my audiologist would permit it, I don't see any reason why she wouldn't so I'm not worried about it)
I'm excited! :dance:
I'll update on here and my blog tomorrow of what I heard and how it went and I'll try my best to post video on blog lol I'm having hard time figuring out how to post video from overstream to blog post.
I want to add subtitle of what I'm saying in ASL for people who doesn't know sign lol. I tried posting one of video of my cat to test it out and it said "no input source detected" something no idea why or how to do it right
if you know anyone with a digi cam most have video up to 50 min on it and u can record with sound and then u just upload like u would pics to ur computer thru the usb cord...that mite be easier than using a reg. camcorder..but ya! lol im excited for you...good luck! xo
Today!!! One more hour till activation I excited and little anxious to see if it work and what it sound like lol. And if got color right too.
I'll update later today about how it went. :)
Well, I had a long day, so I am going to bed. But, good luck with the activation. I am hoping that your CI will meet your expectation. Good luck again..:)
Lol I'm back from appt, all I can say is "wow!" lol I could hear beep when the audi turn all on to see if all's working I wasn't supposed to hear it but I did she was shocked lol. And programming was kind of boring hearing beep and then live voice when they turn on I heard loud awful buzzing for few min so audi kept talking to try reduce buzz and it went away and sound good but LOUD at first I was shocked and some high pitch that's so high my brain doesn't understand it so it makes feedback noise its weird and voice sound really high pitched and female voice some sound so high but guy voice sound ok much better than hearing aid! Lol more clearly too can hear some tone difference which I couldn't before with hearing aid. Its amazing lol and the audi had me going out and makes all bunch of noise for 15 min then back to program another map (I have 2 program) then showed me a lot of stuff wow I couldn't believe how much stuff I got! I was like "is it all for me?!" haha
And my bf's mother cried little bit (aww)
But it was good appt I have a lot appt for next few months for mapping I'm so happy that it work! Lol both my program have 2 electrode turned off cuz I felt first 2 (at beginning of cochlea) I didn't hear beep so she shut it off but she said its fine it doesn't matter really so I'm fine lol.
Got some errands to do today so I'll update more about what I heard and etc later ok?
Lol I'm back from appt, all I can say is "wow!" lol I could hear beep when the audi turn all on to see if all's working I wasn't supposed to hear it but I did she was shocked lol. And programming was kind of boring hearing beep and then live voice when they turn on I heard loud awful buzzing for few min so audi kept talking to try reduce buzz and it went away and sound good but LOUD at first I was shocked and some high pitch that's so high my brain doesn't understand it so it makes feedback noise its weird and voice sound really high pitched and female voice some sound so high but guy voice sound ok much better than hearing aid! Lol more clearly too can hear some tone difference which I couldn't before with hearing aid. Its amazing lol and the audi had me going out and makes all bunch of noise for 15 min then back to program another map (I have 2 program) then showed me a lot of stuff wow I couldn't believe how much stuff I got! I was like "is it all for me?!" haha
And my bf's mother cried little bit (aww)
But it was good appt I have a lot appt for next few months for mapping I'm so happy that it work! Lol both my program have 2 electrode turned off cuz I felt first 2 (at beginning of cochlea) I didn't hear beep so she shut it off but she said its fine it doesn't matter really so I'm fine lol.
Got some errands to do today so I'll update more about what I heard and etc later ok?

Awesome! You're doing quite well. I remember when I turned on my speech processor the first time, everything came out very beepy.
Awesome! You're doing quite well. I remember when I turned on my speech processor the first time, everything came out very beepy.

Interesting, beepy? So do you understand speech now? I can hear some word already but only if person speak clearly and slow but most time I can't understand it lol