Could you speak and lipead?

Could you speak or lipread?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 86 80.4%
  • No.

    Votes: 7 6.5%
  • I only speak.

    Votes: 4 3.7%
  • I only lipread.

    Votes: 10 9.3%

  • Total voters
I'm profound deaf, and I lipread and speak well enough to carry on a conversation with family and friends who know me so well. With strangers, that's different. I often repeat after what he/she said to make sure that I get it right to avoid any misunderstanding. :thumb: (I don't wear any hearing aids nor any devices.)
I can both speak and lip read relatively well I think. I'm understood pretty well, and my lipreading skills aren't bad, it depends on whether the person has a beard, or if it's dark and those sort of things. But in good conditions, I lip read well enough.

Whaaaaaaat?? Whaaaaaaat?? I can't hear you! Oh, wait, I can lipread and speak. Thank yoooooouuuuuu!
I can talk and read lips very well. I can still hear on the phone with family and friends as well as I'm HoH.
Strange but true... I cant speak/read lips but I can hear pretty good.
I can lip read and speak well spent nearly 18 yrs of speech therapy and well lip reading too, Sooo i can't hear too well on phone cuz of the wordings can mumble BUT i do talk to my mom on the phone so she knows to speak slow for me!
Vote for Can Lipread.... as kid, I had Oral and Hearing. but it been gone since I signs LOT than talking. :D
can speechread and talk pretty well. Everyone says I have a VERY "deaf"/hoh voice and I have been asked several times if I am from the UK. I have a LOT of trouble with modulating my voice, especially when I am wicked tired. Also have trouble with articulating some words. It's hard for me to remember how to pronounce some words so I'll pronounce the words phoneticlly.
Well, I am proud to admit that I am an oral failure because I tried hard to pronounce words for people to understand me, but it was difficult for me. I had been in speech therapy from age of three through high school years. Speech therapy is not effective for me at all. Instead, I rather to use sign language to form communication with people. I have to educate hearing people about Deaf language and culture.... it is so weary. ASL is like foreign language to the people. Shrugs.
It depends on the individual I think and their enthusiasm for learning. I myself find it really easy to lipread sometimes and sometimes I don't. It just depends. I can hear some words sometimes, and I'm teaching my boyfriend to learn sign so if I don't understand what he's saying, he can just sign it out or write it down. I usually like to lipread/talk so writing down things isn't too much of a hassle.
I was brainwashed into learning how to speak and lipread until before my teens. My wonderful parents transferred me to a deaf school and from there, I learned ASL and deaf culture. I can lipread still but I usually tell people I cannot because I don't want to work my ass off matching the hearing ppl's needs. It's their turn to work their asses off to match OUR needs.
I do lip reading and speak well. But sometimes most hearing ppl do not understand what I was saying. So most of the times i communicate w then via writing thigns down. Mind you, reading someone's lips are a real pain!!!

Id prefer to use sign language to make the communication more easier.

I can speak well enough, I just have to remember to slow down and speak clearly. I can lipread a little bit, I'm still improving on my lipreading skills by practising it as much as I can. I like signing heaps better because I don't have to concentrate as much and it's smoother.
Whoops, didn't realise I had already posted in this thread. Sorry about that hehe.
Speak and Lipread

As Hard Of Hearing, I speak and lipread. I do not know much sign language, just a few signs, and I can fingerspell. Nobody taught me to lipread...I learned out of necessity when I was very young. The way I learned was because I was always being told to look at people when they talked. I don't enjoy lipreading; sometimes I find it tiring. However, it can be useful in noisy situations or when someone talks too softly.
Ohhhhh, oops, wrong kind of lips.....excuse me...*backing out* :mrgreen:
I do both. I lipread very well unless it's man with too much facial hair, or person moving head about like they talking to fly buzzing round their head, or unless it's dark! LOL!

I talk really well, but I learned to talk before I became deaf. It can make it lot easier if you remember sounds of words, when you try to say them. That's all.
I can't lipread or talk that good. Most times I use paper and pen. Better than nothing and hearing people need accept this way for me to talk with them.
I lipread and I speak too.... my entire family is hearing... and I was raised oral.

I, too, do experience a lot of frustration when interacting with some people.. facial hair, accents, mumbling (some of my friends do that so I smack their heads every now and then... j/k), the occasional distraction (broccoli in teeth)... j/k! And sometimes just plain, old fatigue...

Anyway, I will probably always have to rely on lipreading and speech -- ASL is soo much easier... and I can follow big group conversations w/ that!

Oh.. also.. I tend to "interpret" for my Deaf and hearing friends -- I speak for the Deaf, and I sign for the hearing... a lot of Deaf friends, at first, thought I was just HoH... nope!
Same me. lipread speak, yes. family hearing.

frustration when people break eye contact.
Also fatigue fast.

ASL, pah! Thank you LeClerc :)
