Cost of war

Sabrina said:
What would next with Korean people ?? I heard, Korean hate American. I do not know what would happen with this world ? China and Russia will involve?

Why hate us??? We buy things from them. Geez!!!
Sabrina said:
What would next with Korean people ?? I heard, Korean hate American. I do not know what would happen with this world ? China and Russia will involve?

I believe that Russian and North Korean will be involved. No other foreign countries will help America...

One day America ( USA ) will be cuttin' off from its allies -- no helpin' and we will be on our own to fight for life.

The question is : How come America always have helped other foreign countries with $$ when they are in deep trouble, but never helped America when America is in deep debts ?? That's one thing I don't understand and, even we are livin' on the SAME planet. Are we on "Ragin' World" just like "Ragin' Road" when the drivers are drivin' crazy on the streets ? No sharin' ? There are alot of things it made me wonder about LOVE. Love is gettin' wax... alot more worser than it was. It's unbelievable for me to see this world gettin' drunk just like this ----------> :dizzy: Confusion and delusion everywhere.