Cost of war


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May 20, 2003
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It is amazing to see how much we spend cost for war in Iraq while
we can spend other things... See for yourself. Click the site below
and don't scream at the screen. Scream and yell at President Bush
and the Congress...
Sabrina said:
It is amazing to see how much we spend cost for war in Iraq while
we can spend other things... See for yourself. Click the site below
and don't scream at the screen. Scream and yell at President Bush
and the Congress...

*checkin' the link* Oh, geez... WTF !?! What's wrong with the Pres. Bush eh ? Yeah, I saw the cost of other things we could spend on, but to IRAQ War is way, way too much. I believe that our country is a "poverty" already. It will lead to food shortage and many things will be obsolete. Pres. Bush ain't no God. :roll:
CyberRed said:
*checkin' the link* Oh, geez... WTF !?! What's wrong with the Pres. Bush eh ? Yeah, I saw the cost of other things we could spend on, but to IRAQ War is way, way too much. I believe that our country is a "poverty" already. It will lead to food shortage and many things will be obsolete. Pres. Bush ain't no God. :roll:

High percent redneck and religious people vote for Bush due to anti-gay marriage. Wealth people too. *sigh*

I still do not understand why American people want Pres bush re-election another suffer and poverty 4 years ?
Sabrina said:
High percent redneck and religious people vote for Bush due to anti-gay marriage. Wealth people too. *sigh*

I still do not understand why American people want Pres bush re-election another suffer and poverty 4 years ?

I don't understand, either. But, I am concerned that he will might find somethin' to make an excuse like 9/11 elsewhere to gain his power, so he could make new laws for stupid things. War is useless and's just a waste. :squint: I am glad that I don't vote for over 20 years. I can see too many problems rise. Geez whiz... Wake up, America !!!
Yea I dont understand why they had to re-election on Bush either. Dang ppl. Wake up. We need to get back to our normal life. So now we gotta suffer 4 more years. GRRRRRRRRR :pissed:
Whoa, $3.7 billion spent FROM our state of Washington for the war. California spends like $19 billion! We don't need to spend too much on war, pfffft.
I don't understand why Bush won for another 4 yrs either, Bush trying to BS the world and people still vote for him, I guess they want a BS world too. The war in Iraq is a disaster. Look at America now it got ugly and it is gotta get uglier, because they put dumbya in office again. :ugh2:
War is about what? MONEY!

I am not going to challenge against Bush. The gov't MIGHT have good reason why they don't reveal the reason why there was war. Often it is best to keep top serect until the guilty one make the wrong move and got busted. Most of the time the freedom of press gave the crooks at advantage and got one step ahead. I am not sure exact why, but suppose.. I mean suppose Saddam had actually built nuclear, and if we had ignore them. This gives terrorist huge advantage and opportunity because they think we will be lenient and plan to attack us with total surprise... do we want that risk? HELL NO! There is always price to pay for good defense.
Same principle.... if you had hundred thousand dollars of cash in your pocket... would you let thieves know you have that cash and not do anything to protect yourself? I bet you a million of dollars you WON'T say nothing and that you will do everything to protect yourself!!! Only real idiots would reveal and get killed by robber over his or her money!

diehardbiker65 said:
I am not going to challenge against Bush. The gov't MIGHT have good reason why they don't reveal the reason why there was war. DHB

Might? be a good reason? I don't buy it sorry, because let me tell you one thing, Bush's Dad was living in Texas after graduation to make his fortune in the oil business, so really I am starting to think the war in Iraq has something to do with oil or is it really about terrorists? When Bush says to the public after 9/11, he said "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists, That some BS line I've ever heard, because for one he never found the weapons in Iraq or the reason of 9/11 happened, Now he says he want to repair Iraq for the hell what for? It is not part of United States therefore we have no business being there the first place. We spend alot more money in Iraq then in United States :crazy:
I mean suppose Saddam had actually built nuclear, and if we had ignore them. This gives terrorist huge advantage and opportunity because they think we will be lenient and plan to attack us with total surprise... do we want that risk? HELL NO! There is always price to pay for good defense.
Yes, but he didn't! That whole excuse was a crock of shit....and the whole war on terrorism is a crock of shit too! He makes it sound like it's something new.....but terrorism against America is nothing new. Remember the Iran hotage situtioun?
You're absolutely correct it is about oil and money.
What many people here do not know is that the GAO admits that a TRILLION DOLLARS is unaccounted for.
Geeee, I wonder where it went, lol.
That same bunch just CAN'T WAIT for April 15 to roll around to pocket even more money.
I think whole war things is full of crock. My sister believed Saddam is worst than Hitler and she felt it is right thing for Bush to go after him. It seems to me they were being brainwashed by Bush and his people.

Bush and the lawmakers live in comfy life while we are struggle to live above the poverty level. Our soldiers are getting screw too once they are back on our soil. Govt is too poor to help them out.

I knew it will be costly and people does not care. I don't understand them.
jazzy said:
I think whole war things is full of crock. My sister believed Saddam is worst than Hitler and she felt it is right thing for Bush to go after him. It seems to me they were being brainwashed by Bush and his people.

Bush and the lawmakers live in comfy life while we are struggle to live above the poverty level. Our soldiers are getting screw too once they are back on our soil. Govt is too poor to help them out.

I knew it will be costly and people does not care. I don't understand them.

Yep I know, Bush is very good at mislead the Congress and the American public about his plans. Some people out there believe him but I don't because I am alot smarter to read between the lines even Bush, there always been something fishy about him. And how Bush ignored the American civilians that was killed in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11th. He would have gotten off his chair when he was reading to the children in Florida and do something quickly but He didn't. What the hell was he thinking? That even made him the worst President in my eyes. He is a donkey that needs a kick in the ass back to Texas where he belongs. :rofl:
We are losing. Just like we lost Vietnam War.
This country is not worth fighting for anymore anyway.

All the tech and best weapons we got, ain't worth a shit.

Muslims are whooping out ass. :whip:

Bring our Soldiers back home, Bush!!!!
Look, what we are currently spending on the Iraq mess, we could have used the money for Section 8 HUD housing, the enviromnent, education (Don't get me started on NCLB-it sucks donkey balls :P), and the most important thing: cutting down both the deficit and the goddam National Debt. and oh I forgot.....Social Security and medicare could use more funding than that stupid war out in Iraq.

Dumbya makes me cringe at the first thought. The Republican Party once stood for true conservativism like balancing the budget and not starting wars. Today's GOP under Dumbya is the most extreme version of the GOP I have ever seen in my lifetime. With Ronnie Raygun, the budget deficit and national debt zoomed way up the stratosphere. Now Dumbya really made Saint Ronnie and Tricky Dick Nixon both look like liberals with the current GOP agenda.

Bill Clinton made a huge effort to reduce both the deficit and the National Debt. During the last term, Clinton brought about a surplus in the budget. Now Dumbya just blew the surplus through like a goddam drunk sailor.

God, there is so much SHEEP in America that really needs the wool sheared off their eyes to see what America in 2005 is now like!
Need to get rid of marriage benefits and vacation benefits. And tax the rich people.