Cost of Bush Era: $11.5 Trillion

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the first website is of absolutely no use to me since i can't access pdf documents. <mad> i'd like to see proof that clinton spent more money than george w. bush.
according to this article, spending under the bush administration reached its' highest level in 30 years. the article is from 2004, but i would think it still applies today given the fact that bush has continued to spend money like there's no tomorrow. (for example, $12 billion/month for the war in iraq.)

Under Bush, Federal Spending Increases at Fastest Rate in 30 Years: News Releases: The Independent Institute

If that's from 2004 and he was the bigest spender ever back then, then what is he today?
*sigh* no wonder we are really in an ecomonic disaster.
I always wonder why alot of people knew Bush wasnt really that popular in the first 4 years, and yet he gets re-elected again for 4 more years...even when he ran for the 2nd term I didnt WANT to vote for him.

or John Kerry either...dont trust either of them. :roll:

Oh well, its all in the past now. at least Obama is our President now.
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