Coronavirus: A real health threat or not?


Active Member
Oct 30, 2017
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With the number of cases continues to rise and the number of recoveries also climbing high, while the deaths are dropping. Even the CDC is correcting their data regarding the number of deaths due to the virus alone while the majority of the deaths are with other health issues. Now, can we consider Covid-19 as a real threat to our health or not?
It is absolutely a serious threat. Highly infectious and a wild card of how much damage it will cause to you. There is no way around it. It's not political; just science. Millions die, some go deaf, some never breathe without aid again. Not just old people, either. is a site to get news in ASL.
I don't think it is as highly infectious as they think. Look at all the people that was at the meeting when Trump got it from someone else. Not very many of the contracted the Covid 19. Seems to me that everyone there should have caught it if it was that contagious.
Two terms here i agree with, we don't know, and it's a wild card, I think we're not asking the correct questions. And I'll add Truth . . . OK I'm going down a rabbit hole so I'll stop here :2c:
can't help myself forgive me, people who got covid, 71% wore mask faithfully 14% mostly, sooo which is it, mask make one more seceptiabul? Don't matter? Or something else? Truth is ? want Me to tell ya? That will cost hehe:D
I don't think it is as highly infectious as they think. Look at all the people that was at the meeting when Trump got it from someone else. Not very many of the contracted the Covid 19. Seems to me that everyone there should have caught it if it was that contagious.
Not many got it from being around him?? Over 30 of his staffers got it. It is HIGHLY contagious. Period
شهد العالم عدوًا مجهولًا حتى الآن وما زال العالم كله خائفًا منه ، وهو المرض الذي أرعب العالم كله وهو كوفيد 19 هذه تقارير من بعض الأطباء

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Whether it's a serious threat or not, we as people need to do our part to raise our consciousness. We will not depend on the information that is feed to us by media. We need to do our research because there are protocols that are useless and irrelevant, just like wearing a mask. Are you guys wearing a mask?
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The world has witnessed an unknown enemy until now and the whole world is still afraid of it, and it is the disease that terrified the whole world, which is Covid 19. These are reports from some doctors
Elderly, chronically ill and overweight are the most vulnerable to COVID19. The virus is more dangerous to them than the regular flu. For healthy people under 70 years old, the virus is usually not dangerous. Especially not for children and young adults. For the youngest COVID19 is similar to the flu in that way. Young and healthy people usually gets flu similar symptoms like fever, headache, muscle ache and couch. The illness goes over after a couple of weeks. Some are also asymptomatic which mean they may test positive on the test and have the virus Sars-cov-2 in their bodies, but not feel ill. Around 99,9% survives the virus.

If you wash your hands frequently, cough in the elbow and stay at home if you feel ill, you would lower the chance of spreading the virus. If you're in the risk group, avoiding large crowds like concerts may also be a good idea. It's possible to take precaution at the same time see the virus isn't deadly to the vast majority. It should be acceptable to take measures without living in fear. It's about finding the balance.

It's more than age and prior illness; nearly 60 thousand people 64 and under (including many children) died of the virus.

Balance is good. Caution is good. This isn't just a flu. Even if a person doesn't die; there can be serious complications. Stay home as much as you can; help yourselves, loved ones, strangers and the health care system. They are stressed, overworked and traumatized.

We all need to do our part.
Sorry to disagree with your numbers Ellie,but I won't air that here, love you anyway :ily:
They aren't my numbers. They were published by the CDC. You said you wouldn't air your disagreement as you do it?? That makes sense. It's fine to disagree but these are facts and not fake news. Hopefully that era is almost over.
Covid is just one of a huge number of infectious agents that can hurt or kill Humans. I have watched this develop last winter first in wuhan then around the world to the USA. Other than concern for certain relatives and friends of 65 and over with health issues already serious, covid will kill them. One argues that if it kills it kills. That one has like 3 health problems any of which will kill at any time without covid in her 90's so... no fear on her part.

I survived spanish flu last Jan took 6 weeks to get rid of it. 100 years ago my grandparents endured the same thing back home. They did not do anything different like we're doing now with masks etc. The sick were stacked in special warehouses with nurses to see if they live or die. One cemetary took in thousands. Called Flu Hill to this day.

I am a long haul trucker all my life and certain situations almost got me killed about 8 times so far. People have died and been hurt around me through a variety of problems including illness and infection etc. Covid does not bother me. I do pay lip service by having a mask so not to generate trouble going out. Mask does nothing. Its nothing but regular cloth for winter heat in breathing. Most people in my area pretty much quit worrying about those masks too. No one gives anyone a hard time here. You live your life well, If you get sick? Ok great. There is a bed for you and get well soon. Otherwise Covid has no meaning.

I could get into other reasons why I feel the way I do however I prefer to just know that Life is Life, to be celebrated and enjoyed with other people. Anything that dehumanizes people or makes a community live in fear with zero human to human interaction is a very bad thing for us all. If we must die then we must die. The trick is not to let that go to waste. Make it something good on your way out if possible.

I no longer follow general government data. I strictly follow our Arkansas CovidComm data and county by county data on hospital ICU. Ours in Searcy has about 8% covid in long term care, those who cannot function outside of society and some are already ternimal. And about 25% or so are in ICU for Covid plus about another 20 or more % in ICU for other things. The rest are regular hospital stuff including the ER. Ive already decided that if I did get that bad sick, stay right here at home and live or die according to His Will. Im not going to be seperated from family and friends as you might be isolated in a hospital.

Why? Covid is about 96% survivable so far this year.

My two cents.
Covid is just one of a huge number of infectious agents that can hurt or kill Humans. I have watched this develop last winter first in wuhan then around the world to the USA. Other than concern for certain relatives and friends of 65 and over with health issues already serious, covid will kill them. One argues that if it kills it kills. That one has like 3 health problems any of which will kill at any time without covid in her 90's so... no fear on her part.

I survived spanish flu last Jan took 6 weeks to get rid of it. 100 years ago my grandparents endured the same thing back home. They did not do anything different like we're doing now with masks etc. The sick were stacked in special warehouses with nurses to see if they live or die. One cemetary took in thousands. Called Flu Hill to this day.

I am a long haul trucker all my life and certain situations almost got me killed about 8 times so far. People have died and been hurt around me through a variety of problems including illness and infection etc. Covid does not bother me. I do pay lip service by having a mask so not to generate trouble going out. Mask does nothing. Its nothing but regular cloth for winter heat in breathing. Most people in my area pretty much quit worrying about those masks too. No one gives anyone a hard time here. You live your life well, If you get sick? Ok great. There is a bed for you and get well soon. Otherwise Covid has no meaning.

I could get into other reasons why I feel the way I do however I prefer to just know that Life is Life, to be celebrated and enjoyed with other people. Anything that dehumanizes people or makes a community live in fear with zero human to human interaction is a very bad thing for us all. If we must die then we must die. The trick is not to let that go to waste. Make it something good on your way out if possible.

I no longer follow general government data. I strictly follow our Arkansas CovidComm data and county by county data on hospital ICU. Ours in Searcy has about 8% covid in long term care, those who cannot function outside of society and some are already ternimal. And about 25% or so are in ICU for Covid plus about another 20 or more % in ICU for other things. The rest are regular hospital stuff including the ER. Ive already decided that if I did get that bad sick, stay right here at home and live or die according to His Will. Im not going to be seperated from family and friends as you might be isolated in a hospital.

Why? Covid is about 96% survivable so far this year.

My two cents.
I totally agree with your opinion. I also heard from the news before that says,
“Nearly every U.S. infectious disease physician and epidemiologist had advised the public not to wear masks in the early days of the pandemic. Then we changed our tune. That’s how science works. Research advances knowledge and public health and medical guidance change to follow.”

So “the science” in the early days of the pandemic said that masks work when worn by doctors and nurses in hospitals but don’t work when worn by laymen outside of the hospital? There was no reason to accept this claim back then, and cogent criticisms of it were made–back then. Back then, the claim that laymen don’t need masks and the problem of the shortage of masks were mashed together as if they were the same question. That’s not “science.” That’s obfuscation.

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