Cool smileys and Avatars Wanted, plz..


New Member
Apr 9, 2005
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I ve been into avatars websites, found some of them are loaded with virvuses. I ve seen some cute smileys in here and wondered where some of you got them from?? I really would appreciate to have cool avatars, and upload them into disks, for future saving, and share with others too. Any of you could share them, plz let me know which websites to go into then? I really am crazy for avatars, I got some, but found out some were from the old website that has virvus now. Would be very grateful to know which websites are the best. Even those cute smileys, nice and nasty ones, that would be neat to have. Much thankx. hee hee
Even though I given you one to check out via PM, I'm sure other members here have others in mind that perhaps they would be willing to share with you....You mentioned of sites that contained 'viruses', what sort of viruses did you run into or were you lucky enough to escape the clutches of some of these damaging or bothersome viruses?
avatars viruses

few websites did have them, I just remembered one named Guba, somethng like that, has avatars there, it has virus in there. Lucky me, i could see it blinking, and sign on my computer came up warning, so I deleted them quickly. So my computer is safe and I just found new website, just stumbled into it tonite a while ago. Lots things in there, actresses, fishes, musicians, arts, dogs, smileys and betty boop, etc in there. I got it from Jokaroo website. Im into there too. Rooo, there people in there are alright too. I have downloaded so many avatars into tonite, still loading again soon after this. that website has so many things, greetings too, talking cards, avatars and things too. What a neat website that is. If you want to see and I can show you my new avatars tomorrow or other day when i can get back in here. Ok?? If you like those, I can send u some of them, but tell me what kind of avatars you like. I ll check and send it to you later ok?? I promise. Lisa
You can also custom make your own avatars if you have a nifty photo shop can also take your favorite photo (of yourself, kids, pets, place, you name it) and resize it. Standard size would be 100X100 pixels.

If you still need help, let me know and perhaps I can make you one.
Roadrunner said:
Even though I given you one to check out via PM, I'm sure other members here have others in mind that perhaps they would be willing to share with you....You mentioned of sites that contained 'viruses', what sort of viruses did you run into or were you lucky enough to escape the clutches of some of these damaging or bothersome viruses?


Check in :

That links she gave out has a Trojan in it.
:hug: ^Angel^ and Cyberred :hug:

wow, it´s real cool....

I just save your links in my favorite list.

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