Is it not deliberative of us to enforce another language on others who are not capable of speaking? I used to believe it was a miscommunication until I understood that they were purposely disrespecting my boundary by ignoring my incapability to speak/hear after several times. There are several other people who are really sweet, and are clueless over how to communicate with us- no matter how many times we try with them which is completely understandable, and I befriend them for trying. As for the rest, it's patronizing, and the fact that I watch and experience us deaf people walk around everyday trying to reassure ourselves that it is not the hearing's fault while they force/forced us to converse to their lifestyle, when we are literally incapable of hearing/speaking their lifestyle in the first place is disheartening. We work our butts off to learn how to speak for them by relying on the vibrations of our voices, yet no one will include us. I've watched a deaf girl struggle from age 2 to 26 with her hearing family, and she worked hard to learn how to speak, because she spoke so well- her 7 sisters never learned sign, they leave her out of everything, and force her to read lips. She gave up, and nodded by age 12. They're in their 20's and 30's now. They wouldn't listen to her, or even try to understand, but her mother knows Sign language. Her mother learned from the books, and trained her. That showed me that people would have to care/be interested enough to make time to listen to us, or even believe us. Personally to me, there's nothing more deliberative than that. Once you watch a cop arrest your deaf friend for not responding, and witness/experience several public physical attacks from hearing people for even using sign language, it changes your perspective a little. If they were gang members, completely understandable- but these were women, men, and teenagers from all races. How was it not deliberate? I finally made a promise to myself to always look out for the deliberates. I'm in my late 20's, and it took me this long to finally accept the truth. There are people I mentioned as above, there are people who are dying to meet us, people who are incapable of learning respect, and people who are incapable of learning sign language as well. Not everyone is deliberating, and I've met several hearing strangers who visibly squealed when they saw me sign in public. I try to remember that there's ying and yang in every situation.