Conversations in Threads

I think it will be pretty boring if we are not allowed to make jokes and asides, and must grimly stick to the topic.

In real life a conversation, meanders all over.

Only in a classroom do you hammer away completely at one topic or subject.

We are not alldeaf students, but a community.

Try telling your neighbors they have to behave as you want and you probably won't get a happy reception.

Their more likely response?

Yes, topics do change... but I'm talking about comments that go WAY off topic.

For instance, someone creates a thread talking about a new car. Someone else makes a small off-topic comment. Someone else replies to that off-topic comment. It leads to two members going back and forth having a personal conversation in a thread that was intended for something else.

So, do we really need to see the title of the thread "New Car Coming Out in 2010"... and go in only to see 2 or 3 members talking back and forth about playing pranks with ice cream and how they like mixing candies with soda?
Ugh, more BS rules, Vampy?

This AD is nothing like the ADv1 that we old timers used to know.

*shakes head* What new rules are you gonna put up? "No chatting with your mouth full" ? :roll:

Geesh, take a chill pill. Surely by going off-topic, even that alone can spice up the threads.
It's not a new rule. It's a rule that's always been there. The problem are members who are losing respect for others.
Yes, topics do change... but I'm talking about comments that go WAY off topic.

For instance, someone creates a thread talking about a new car. Someone else makes a small off-topic comment. Someone else replies to that off-topic comment. It leads to two members going back and forth having a personal conversation in a thread that was intended for something else.

So, do we really need to see the title of the thread "New Car Coming Out in 2010"... and go in only to see 2 or 3 members talking back and forth about playing pranks with ice cream and how they like mixing candies with soda?

Oh. :Oops: Sorry for my small rant. ( small jokes and asides still allowed )
If the moderators want it to stop, create a chat room on the site. Many forums have a chat room of their own, of course it has to be a member to use the chat room as well as member of the forum.

I dont really agree with vampy. I voice my own opinion. In real world, we chat and it leads to off itopic conversations.

With due respect, I understand what you're saying from a point of view.

Everyone here on this forum are entitled to voice their opinions but remember, it also comes with respect too. I'm not saying that it should go to the edge but only to be diligent. Sure, there are conversations in the real world that leads to off topic issues (which is fine) but however, when a thread goes WAY WAY off topic and it isn't even related to the thread - that is when posts can become confusing. When it goes off topic, it also loses the purpose of the thread itself.

I know I've went off topic once in a while myself. It's understandable that some of the time conversations in several threads will go astray. We don't expect you all to be a perfectionist in any of those threads. Some few off topic posts would be ok but when it comes to the point where it entirely changes the stance of the thread, that is (like I said) when the thread loses it's purpose.

Just saying. :)
Likely everyone cannot help their mind storm went off way the topic.. Cannot stay topic forever one of thread.. can be lead into way off the topic conversation that normal for everyone like even you one?
I bet you're way off the board... btw, caution my eyes laid on you... to make sure not fall into way off the topic..

I guess so I'll be same boat as Jillio/shel and others.... very afraiiiiidddd to post away way off the topic..
With due respect, I understand what you're saying from a point of view.

Everyone here on this forum are entitled to voice their opinions but remember, it also comes with respect too. I'm not saying that it should go to the edge but only to be diligent. Sure, there are conversations in the real world that leads to off topic issues (which is fine) but however, when a thread goes WAY WAY off topic and it isn't even related to the thread - that is when posts can become confusing. When it goes off topic, it also loses the purpose of the thread itself.

I know I've went off topic once in a while myself. It's understandable that some of the time conversations in several threads will go astray. We don't expect you all to be a perfectionist in any of those threads. Some few off topic posts would be ok but when it comes to the point where it entirely changes the stance of the thread, that is (like I said) when the thread loses it's purpose.

Just saying. :)

Yeah, if the threads go way off topic and that leads on a rail road that you can't go back and it keeps going and going to the other direction and the thread will never see the light, basically. You basically can't steer a train to different directions, you gotta follow where the rail goes.
No fun and let thread die.

at vamp
I am surprised that you didn't realize that this year is President Voting which are the biggest issue for us the America, and we love to take a seriously discuss about it so we can be sure we know who to vote for. It always have been obessive subject when the voting is coming soon, so no big deal of it really.
I am surprised that you didn't realize that this year is President Voting which are the biggest issue for us the America, and we love to take a seriously discuss about it so we can be sure we know who to vote for. It always have been obessive subject when the voting is coming soon, so no big deal of it really.

who me?
Not you, the creator of this thread ;)

haha your comment about president year was so random! but keep continuing :topic: haha! So how about that phelps winning 7th gold, huh?
:lol: Phelp is not that big issue as Presidents Voting.

so how about that that oil price's dropping below $4, huh? i no longer feel a sharp pain in my gut whenever i refuel :cool2:
so how about that that oil price's dropping below $4, huh? i no longer feel a sharp pain in my gut whenever i refuel :cool2:

My point is that, not many people will take the oil issues as big as Presidents Voting :)
Yeah, this AD needs " spice up " a little bit to bring everyone closer and befriends with each other. It's okay to say things off topic a little -- NOT too much. Use your judgment for the sake of the creator's thread what the topic is talkin' about. Respect the creator and his/her thread.

We don't want to forget what each thread is all about once the creator create it - we need to learn something and get the benefits from it, not " off topic " comments. We don't get the benefits from the off topic when the thread means to discuss something about. :)