Contest can you please vote for me!?

451 votes, rank: 277

Don't have to win. Just do our best and go the distance.

Besides there is a lot to say for getting noticed. Some of the winners on these star talent searches don't do nearly as well as the runner ups. Not all the winners have the best jobs or the best contracts. Some of the runners up who got noticed got far better.

Also if there is this contest this year there will be another next year. We could be better prepared and start sooner, etc. Most people fail on their first few tries at anything.

Winners are the ones who don't give up the first time they fail.

very well said. I am not the type to give up and even if I don't win I won't be sad lol cuz it was more of a just for fun thing for me and if I won that'd be great too:) But still thanks again guys for voting:) :)
470 votes, rank: 267

Hey, somebody else out there must have marshaled some voters. We are going backwards.

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