Contest can you please vote for me!?

Just voted #176 from me. :) (my fourth time votes.) so far. i believe so.
OMG u guys are too awesome!!! I loveeee AD:) And wow thanks for making me seem special! AND YESS thank GOD I had that photo shoot came in handy for sureee..and yes the contest runs until December 31st:) and I am at 183 votes rank 589! Thanks so much guys xoxoxoxoxo
now i did vote, #205. it is so fun.. i wish i could do it at work but my work computer has restricting with the javascript thingy. dang! i could have vote two per day with different computers.
I voted for you, but what is this really? a modeling contest? If you win, then what do you get out of this? a modeling career?
You looks so beautiful and you got my vote.
Cheri it will help my career...i would love to model but I can't do runway and some agencies won't take me because I am short. But this could really help with making myself more known to companies and agencies:) If I win I could be the face of the companies makeup and be in magazines etc
The site is experiencing technical difficulties. Cant vote yet!
Tried to vote again tonight. No vote button or nothing.

Will try again tomorrow.
I got an email saying the site is down due to server probs and that it *should* be up and running tomorrow:) thanks guyssss and galssss xox
Thanks for the update. I will try again tomorrow. I hope you do continue to do well... moving on up!
Cheri it will help my career...i would love to model but I can't do runway and some agencies won't take me because I am short. But this could really help with making myself more known to companies and agencies:) If I win I could be the face of the companies makeup and be in magazines etc

I auditioned with Barbizon modeling agency back in HS... I was one of the few that got accepted but never realized the sheer amount of money that is needed to start up. They told me as well "You can never do runway" as I'm an average 5' 4" and I'd be doing plus size modeling even though I'm a size 8/10! I was pretty miffed but realized I couldn't do it anyhow due to money constraints.

I should be able to vote twice or more tomorrow since I'll be up at my uni's PC lab. *cheers* I'm excited for ya! :)
I got an email saying the site is down due to server probs and that it *should* be up and running tomorrow:) thanks guyssss and galssss xox

oooooo you caused site to crash! getting too many hits! :lol:
haha at jiro

i couldn't find the vote button anymore. the background has been changed. i dont know if i am allowed to vote again per day. this link is something not right. :(