Hahahaha you don't know me, otherwise you'd realize I don't care. Read it, don't read it, I don't give a rat's ass. Kinda proves my point though now doesn't it? You don't want to hear any other view so you're not even going read it.
That cuts booth ways..
You dismiss valid opposition, to the ci industry that resembles big pharma in every way. Ive posted titles of books, that explore the ci industry history, and how ci into babies was not about a medical option but rather about expanding a market, against medical advice, ive posted other books that explore the very real disarming of the Deaf, the attack on our language and culture, and how entwined those attacks are with ci professionals....
You just dismiss it.
Its always about you..and thats fine...thats cool
But the world is never only ever sbout just us.
I maybe one of the last of us who hasnt been beaten and berrated and bullied into submission. But that doesnt mean others have not ressisted, or still do..
We just dont we have billions of dollors, so the best we can do is come to a site like this and share our opinions.
This is a new thing for you...and i respect that...
Enjoy your hearing. If you have it
But for others like me..ive been in this for 30 years..
I dont have a bunch of degrees stating how clever i am..
But what i do have is allot of experience.
And trust me in one thing if only that
I am not the only Deaf who opposes assimilation.
Having stated all that..
Ill restate my stand here so that there is no misunderstanding
I oppose implants into our babies..one under philisophical principles....i believe something as serious as assimilation by technology of normalization should be left to the individual to decide, not a company, not white coated docs,and not scared manipulated parents.not a majority culture with a heavy history of discriminating against us, and prejaduce against us. I oppose ci into our babies also due to the negative effects this assimilation has had on my people and my culture and my language..these negative effects have been accumalitive, and documented.
When it comes to ci in adults...
I dont care what adults do...i dont. They are adults, if one wishes to get 5 ci and a robot tongue cool..i dont care....i respect freedom....
This is my and others postion.
Im not alone.
I understand why and how some will be outraged by this, and will be unable to respect it as it is...
But thats where i stand...
And no bullying or berrating or personal attacks will change that.
(Not stating you have done this ambrosia..i just wanted to be clear very clear)