Congratulations AllisonJoy!!!!

Originally posted by pimpdaddyposse
Way to go Allison, ru going to Gallaudet next fall? I got accepted to Gallaudet, I didn't want to show off and blab everyone... so I'm planning on going there... I'll see you next fall!
yupp, i am! :thumb: seecha there then!

once again, thanks!
Originally posted by allisonjoy
yupp, i am! :thumb: seecha there then!

once again, thanks!
great but one major problem on during NSO I probably will have hard time to find you... unless you have pager or something we can meet at certain place and certain time and say oh it's you! lol
Originally posted by pimpdaddyposse
great but one major problem on during NSO I probably will have hard time to find you... unless you have pager or something we can meet at certain place and certain time and say oh it's you! lol
lol ;) PM me n ill give u my pager addy
Yessss Allison J!! Whoo hoo! That's excellent ;) If this is the scholarship I think you are talking about, I believe you will get invited to a presidential scholar dinner or some kind of opening at the Prez's house. I had the scholarship as well. :D

Have fun at gally, pimpd, too! Thank goodness I graduated last summer. heh.
I know I barely know you. Just like to say congrate to Allison. Good luck!
whoo, girl! congrats! i got the same kind of scholarship as well last week! ;)

ehheh, seecha!
Congratulations AllisonJoy! It s obvious you worked so hard to deserve this accomplishment! :D
Originally posted by missy
whoo, girl! congrats! i got the same kind of scholarship as well last week! ;)

ehheh, seecha!
Does that mean you're going to Gally in the fall, too??
Originally posted by luckyx13x
I got the same scholarship a month ago. :) Congratulation hun! :kiss:
Does that mean you're going to Gally in fall also???
Sound like Allisonjoy, Missy, and me perhap luckyx13x are going! Whose else is going?
Congratulations, Allison!! Can you share your scholarship monies with me? LOL just kidding. We are rooting for you!! :thumb:

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