Confronting an audist parent

Yeah, my dad is virtually deaf and like him I have lost my hearing while my mom and siblings have not.

London. i know you can read lips and thats fine. if it works for you. great. but learning and becoming fluent in a sign language, BSL for example will only add more tools in your tool box. To me it it silly to impede yourself, rather in my opinion for what its worth its just a strangers opinion here
Learn BSL, You can still read lips, you can still talk English, learn BSL. you will be able to communicate better with others like yourself in a language natural to those like us.
its not for the hearies.
its for you....
again i want to stress i do not know BSL, i'm fluent in ASL. its not the exact language that is important here its the mode and medium that is ie sign. since your in the UK i suggesting BSL.
just a thought, i hope it find you well, and thank you for your honesty and sharing in this thread.
Don't infantilize an adult person who is deaf. They need to take steps for their own happiness in life.
I saw audist and I swore you wrote

Just don't see this gesture and do what Mr Bean did, it's a bad gesture.

[ame=]Mr bean- middle finger - YouTube[/ame]
London. i know you can read lips and thats fine. if it works for you. great. but learning and becoming fluent in a sign language, BSL for example will only add more tools in your tool box. To me it it silly to impede yourself, rather in my opinion for what its worth its just a strangers opinion here
Learn BSL, You can still read lips, you can still talk English, learn BSL. you will be able to communicate better with others like yourself in a language natural to those like us.
its not for the hearies.
its for you....
again i want to stress i do not know BSL, i'm fluent in ASL. its not the exact language that is important here its the mode and medium that is ie sign. since your in the UK i suggesting BSL.
just a thought, i hope it find you well, and thank you for your honesty and sharing in this thread.

SL in any form will not help me. No one in my sphere signs or even gets what it means to have compromised hearing. I do love standing in front of the hearing with their iPods in their hears.
cool. you know where you are better then me. you could if you wished seek to rectify that by finding the Deaf around you. if your in london i'm sure Deafies are not to hard to find. ect. all it takes is the will to learn sign.
now a days really with the net its getting allot easy. and for what you gain,,,the effort is well worth it.
its not so much if they know sign , its far more important that you know sign
it can be very liberating.
London: whether the various comments are of "value to your query" - up to you. aside: Is this what you expected?

Also: how your father reacts to his wife's actions up to him. They have been married for a long time.

Hoichi suggestion you learn BSL is based that you live in the United Kingdom though your profile says you live in the United States which uses ASL.
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