I confess today is the first time I have eaten grits. They were ok. I put a little sugar in them. I am not sure if that is how people eat them.
I strongly advise you to stay far away from grits. I grew up on them and I can tell you first hand that grits have destroyed my marriage.
It went something like this.
Mom - We are having grits for breakfast tomorrow.
Wife - Oh that sounds good.
Me - Why don't I just take everyone out to breakfast?
Mom - but you love grits! you used to eat it often growing up!
Me - I never liked grits, I only ate them because I had no choice.
Wife - That's interesting, I never knew you didn't like grits.
Me - I was trying to be nice.
Mom - Well I just don't get how you could not like grits. You used to put lots of butter and sugar in yours.
Me - I was drowning out the taste.
Wife - You don't like my cooking?
Me - I didn't say that.
Wife - Yes you did! I cooked you grits and you hated it but never told me. That's lying to me!
Me - *thinging Sheesh* No, sweetie, I just, er... come on... it's not like that...
Mom - I just don't see how you can grow up with something and suddenly not like it.
Me - Mom!
Wife - *yelling* Don't yell!
Me - *quitely* I'm not yelling.
Wife - *still yelling* I don't know what you are saying!
Mom - We are having grits tomorrow and that's final.
Me - Ok fine.
Wife - Oh, so you will listen to her and not to me!
Me - I give up.
Wife - Oh so mature!
Mom - There, I'm glad we settled that. Now don't be late for breakfast!
Wife -

Me -

Mom - *Smiling as she sits down to read*
Wife - Well, if you are going to breakfast, I'm not going.
Me - Fine with me!
FYI this was a parody, in no way were real people used or harmed in any way.