Confederate Flag

What does Confederate Rebel Flag means to you?

  • A symbol of Civil War History

    Votes: 41 25.8%
  • A symbol of racist

    Votes: 44 27.7%
  • A symbol of Heritage (Civil War Veteran Generation)

    Votes: 60 37.7%
  • Others - please specify

    Votes: 14 8.8%

  • Total voters
I think it's sad that this has taken on such a life of it's own. Are we now going to block it from history books so children never learn what those flags looked like? Are were now going to remove sections from our history books so they don't "offend" anywhere.

The flag is our history and General Lee was once of the greatest American war leaders in our nation and it was a great blow to the north that we couldn't obtain him. The fact that people are talking about renaming streets is sad. The flag represents all of the fallen soldiers of the southern cause, most of which never owned slaves, much less land. If you asked them why they were fighting, they'd answer "I'm fighting because you're here."

You don't get to re-write history because it's unpleasant for you. The young man involved in that church shooting didn't kill those people because they were black. That's just a story he gave to justify what he did....he did it because he wanted to infamous and because he could. There's no rational reason behind it - just as the excuses that Ted Bundy gave for why he killed all those girls were just that - excuses. Ted killed because he could and it's really not more complicated than that for any of them.....

I consider the confederate flag and our civil war history just another victim of this young man....who probably knew absolutely nothing about either...


I don't believe that , I really feel the shooter is a racist and was out to kill Black people , he didn't go to a White church , he picked out a Black one. I agree it's crazy to rename streets why do people want to try and
eraser our history , it's not going undo it . I agree we need to keep this in our history books so the next generations of children will know their country history and hopefully not repeat it.
Did you know Dylan Roof also burned America flag too?

You mentioned "also". What other flag did he burn? Confederate flag?

BTW, he burned the USA flag because the South lost the civil war. Can't you see what he was doing? He's a white supremacist. He got pissed off that hate groups like KKK didn't do anything about black people for a long time.

Know what? KKK woke up and started to fly the rebel flag in public. Really that's a shame. This flag makes white supremacists "go south".
You mentioned "also". What other flag did he burn? Confederate flag?

BTW, he burned the USA flag because the South lost the civil war. Can't you see what he was doing? He's a white supremacist. He got pissed off that hate groups like KKK didn't do anything about black people for a long time.

Know what? KKK woke up and started to fly the rebel flag in public. Really that's a shame. This flag makes white supremacists "go south".

Oh wow, you are ill-informed, ignorant so we don't think we should discuss with you.

You don't know about true history and black people's life isn't getting better after rid of confederate flags. If you continue like that and it make black people more poorer.

Politically correctness is very dangerous and now, many deaf people won't hired because of you.

I said "also" because Dylan Roof didn't use Confederate flag alone... he used USA flag and burned it.

Say what? USA flag represented the North, NOT South. The South had their own flags -- Confederacy. You really need a huge history check. Dylan Roof is a psychopath and he has a hatred in his body and he wanted a race war which NEVER happened.

Different types of Confederate Flags:

Did you know KKK also used USA flags in their rally? They don't always use the Confederate flags.

You mentioned "also". What other flag did he burn? Confederate flag?

BTW, he burned the USA flag because the South lost the civil war. Can't you see what he was doing? He's a white supremacist. He got pissed off that hate groups like KKK didn't do anything about black people for a long time.

Know what? KKK woke up and started to fly the rebel flag in public. Really that's a shame. This flag makes white supremacists "go south".
You open can of worms. Instead of representing the south this flag be used by other not fro South.proberly more racist in north and each racist clan will fight using it as racist flag,SEen flag on cars and bikes in Seattle NewYork Origan.much slavory happen under British but Union Jack stays spot
I said "also" because Dylan Roof didn't use Confederate flag alone... he used USA flag and burned it.

Say what? USA flag represented the North, NOT South. The South had their own flags -- Confederacy. You really need a huge history check. Dylan Roof is a psychopath and he has a hatred in his body and he wanted a race war which NEVER happened.

Different types of Confederate Flags:

Did you know KKK also used USA flags in their rally? They don't always use the Confederate flags.

Blue Bonnie flag!!! That was West Florida's flag. :D
Yes, unfortunately the political correctness is getting out of hand. There is not a single racist or hate in the Dukes of Hazzard and it's being pulled from the TV channel lineup. The statues and the names after the Confederate General Lee being moved or erased in a way. PC is erasing the history in the wrong way, General Lee never showed hate, he supported reconciliation after the war.

I wonder how much more history to erase or rewrite about for the future generations will never understand the real history facts. Very sad and shame.

I think it's sad that this has taken on such a life of it's own. Are we now going to block it from history books so children never learn what those flags looked like? Are were now going to remove sections from our history books so they don't "offend" anywhere.

The flag is our history and General Lee was once of the greatest American war leaders in our nation and it was a great blow to the north that we couldn't obtain him. The fact that people are talking about renaming streets is sad. The flag represents all of the fallen soldiers of the southern cause, most of which never owned slaves, much less land. If you asked them why they were fighting, they'd answer "I'm fighting because you're here."

You don't get to re-write history because it's unpleasant for you. The young man involved in that church shooting didn't kill those people because they were black. That's just a story he gave to justify what he did....he did it because he wanted to infamous and because he could. There's no rational reason behind it - just as the excuses that Ted Bundy gave for why he killed all those girls were just that - excuses. Ted killed because he could and it's really not more complicated than that for any of them.....

I consider the confederate flag and our civil war history just another victim of this young man....who probably knew absolutely nothing about either...

You gotta be joking 'The Dukes of Hazard' is being pulled from TV ??? Why ?? What next the movie called 'In the heat of the night' can't be showed on TV ? Why are people giving one person , Roof so much attention and power by taking Dukes of Hazard off TV ? We're letting him win !

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