Computer online Vs. TTY

Originally posted by illustrator
I am confused... I am talk about telephone communicate.

Sorry it is me, TommyGirl, John Joe is my husband he sometimes left on and I read ur post and replied, oops..
oops the link doesnt work cuz there is two HTTP:// just remove one and click on it to see how it works but I will add the picture for better visual check the thread PVCO
so the Oral/HOH people can use the PVCO with the sidekick or any other phone - use sidekick with deafies and PVCO with the hearings :)
I like using the online IP-Relay or Sprint Relay when I call my mother in California and it's free...especially since I'm in Australia! ;) Yep, I can place calls online from here to USA! I prefer that way because it's a lot cheaper (better, FREE!)
I use email if I need to get into contact with friends...snail mail if those don't have email addresses. ;)
WaterRats13 said:
I like using the online IP-Relay or Sprint Relay when I call my mother in California and it's free...especially since I'm in Australia! ;) Yep, I can place calls online from here to USA! I prefer that way because it's a lot cheaper (better, FREE!)
I use email if I need to get into contact with friends...snail mail if those don't have email addresses. ;)

:werd: I live in Norway but I can make irelay calls for free in Hawaii and anywhere in the mainland. It does suck that I can't call anywhere IN Europe, though! So, I have a cellphone for that (can't beat that SMS feature). The best part about IR relay is that you can print and save the whole convo! :twisted:

So, how can voice IR call text IR? I think I read that somewhere in this thread. My family can't call me, they have to wait for me to call them.

i have used and it works with mac users, too.
Soonersfan79 said:
This only work with relay or can call directly to hearing person ?

both - if you are call to the hearing who will type and hear from what the other user is saying.
WaterRats13 said:
I like using the online IP-Relay or Sprint Relay when I call my mother in California and it's free...especially since I'm in Australia! ;) Yep, I can place calls online from here to USA! I prefer that way because it's a lot cheaper (better, FREE!)
I use email if I need to get into contact with friends...snail mail if those don't have email addresses. ;)

how can you call if you don't have computer while your car is broke at nowhere?

That's why I always carry TDD and my cellphone with me. And I have too many hearing friends, that's why. :)
Hey.. I post this on Sidekick thread, but maybe it belong here...

They just came out with better system. Wow. TTY calling from AOL instant messenger. Relay calls are free. Relay over AIM from ur Deafwireless RIM 850 pager, from AIM on Sidekick, from AIM on ur computer, from AIM on Treo.

I really like it. U hv to register, so they will allow ur screen name. Send ur screen name to email They will tell u how to make calls.

I might use it from my desktop too... forget ip-relay ;P
I notice this year and in near future, we will get more better improve technical devicce to use for a call for sure.

Pager, computer online will get beter with 911 system in the future that's what I believe.

by the way finally in Newfoundland pager can working now YAY
cando said:
Hey.. I post this on Sidekick thread, but maybe it belong here...

They just came out with better system. Wow. TTY calling from AOL instant messenger. Relay calls are free. Relay over AIM from ur Deafwireless RIM 850 pager, from AIM on Sidekick, from AIM on ur computer, from AIM on Treo.

I really like it. U hv to register, so they will allow ur screen name. Send ur screen name to email They will tell u how to make calls.

I might use it from my desktop too... forget ip-relay ;P

There is one problem - no incoming call. How will anyone call you back? If the user don't stand near to computer to reach you vis e-mail?

It would be pity if someone who have pager, cellphone, internet, and telephone. Man, that's too much $$$ to spend!