
And also, I go to a mainstream school where ASL has JUST been introduced (I'm taking it this year :3) soooo not very many people know! I know that some of my friends put the class down on their schedule form sheet thing back in... February (sometime last year) so I'm hoping that it may get easier to interact with them. We'll see!
I could have grown up knowing sign language but I didn't. I was such a stubborn little child. xd

As for lipreading, I have tried to watch tv for practice. It's hard! And I didn't actually realize how much a deaf person could miss because of how the editors of this show they may be watching edit the scenes. o-o I'm just thankful for the captions that finally came probably before I was born.

The problem with watching TV and attempting to lipread them is that most of them don't enunciate! It is SO hard to lipread people that don't enunciate! People think lipreading is a super power like you can just know what they're saying... So annoying... People here in Florida are TERRIBLE at enunciating... I can lipread friends and family well because they know to enunciate, but strangers I just look at like they're retarded mostly... o.o Just saying... lol
I didn't want to say this but I really don't know what you are saying. I tried to read your words in ASL word order and maybe I'm not good enough at ASL but I am pretty good at ASL. I honestly don't know what you are saying. It actually hurts me to say this but it is true.
I feel like I'm failing as a deaf person. Like I should be able to understand what you are saying since we are both deaf people but I'm having trouble.

Smithtr is saying that it is important to have quality communication that results in clear understanding, especially when there is a need for confidential communication with a doctor or specialist. Although he is the most comfortable using ASL, he tries his best to improve in English so he can write things down and communicate that way.

Really, if you just take the time to actually read what Smithtr says, it's not that difficult to understand him, honestly people.
I have lived among other cultures my whole life where there are many different languages spoken (and now been introduced to a few signed languages too). Many people are multi-lingual. What baffles me is, the majority of those who rely solely on English alone tend to be unable to communicate in any other way except English, yet expect everyone else to communicate in English in one form or other, either spoken or written. Is there some mental blockage, where they can't even put some effort in communicating or merely understanding those who have English as their SECOND or even THIRD language?
I have lived among other cultures my whole life where there are many different languages spoken (and now been introduced to a few signed languages too). Many people are multi-lingual. What baffles me is, the majority of those who rely solely on English alone tend to be unable to communicate in any other way except English, yet expect everyone else to communicate in English in one form or other, either spoken or written. Is there some mental blockage, where they can't even put some effort in communicating or merely understanding those who have English as their SECOND or even THIRD language?

Many people who only know English have spent their whole lives surrounded by people who also know English. This is because many people have learned English, and that results in this situation where many English speakers have never needed to learn a second language. I agree that some English speakers who are unwilling to try to understand someone who doesn't know English have a terrible attitude - they can be condescending and rude. But there is something else to consider. Some people have just never been exposed to the need to try to understand someone who doesn't know their language. They may not be bad people, but if they've never had the need to do this, then they may never have developed the skills involved.

I have watched Deaf people sit there and decipher parts of a conversation with people who sign horribly (or not at all), and it is astounding to me, how good some people are at figuring that stuff out. I think they have an incredible skill set for doing that because they've had to do it so many times. Plus they may have some natural aptitude for it. You have to remember that your experience gives you strength in this task, and you may have some natural talent as well. Other people may have no experience, and maybe little or no natural talent for it.

People unwilling to make an effort are very frustrating. But being (or even feeling) completely unable, just lost when they approach the attempt, I don't think that's condemnable. We all have things we're not very good at, or things we even panic a bit when we think about trying.
Smithtr is saying that it is important to have quality communication that results in clear understanding, especially when there is a need for confidential communication with a doctor or specialist. Although he is the most comfortable using ASL, he tries his best to improve in English so he can write things down and communicate that way.

Really, if you just take the time to actually read what Smithtr says, it's not that difficult to understand him, honestly people.

First, thank you for explaining what Smithtr was saying. I was also unable to figure it out. I think smithtr is a wonderful person, but I often struggle to understand his longer posts. I hope you will believe that I am truly trying. It seems like because you are able to do it, you feel like other people should be able to do it if we just make enough effort. But maybe you are honestly better at it than we are. So we might really be making the best effort we can and still failing. I hope you can believe that this is possible.

I think ecp was very clear that s/he (sorry ecp! I don't know/remember your gender) really tried, and feels very badly about not being able to understand. I don't think s/he deserves a harsh response. I know sometimes people are very disrespectful about not being able to understand, and those people suck. But I really don't think that's happening here.
First, thank you for explaining what Smithtr was saying. I was also unable to figure it out. I think smithtr is a wonderful person, but I often struggle to understand his longer posts. I hope you will believe that I am truly trying. It seems like because you are able to do it, you feel like other people should be able to do it if we just make enough effort. But maybe you are honestly better at it than we are. So we might really be making the best effort we can and still failing. I hope you can believe that this is possible.

I think ecp was very clear that s/he (sorry ecp! I don't know/remember your gender) really tried, and feels very badly about not being able to understand. I don't think s/he deserves a harsh response. I know sometimes people are very disrespectful about not being able to understand, and those people suck. But I really don't think that's happening here.

I think that Smithtr and several others who are communicating from their L1 to English, should be the ones considered in this case. This is a thread about Communication, so it is important that this issue be addressed. This is not just a one-off where posters have had the impulsiveness to comment that they cannot understand a post such as this. Put yourself in his/their shoes for a moment and realize the immense effort he/they have made to communicate. I think it inconsiderate and selfish to post these kind of response posts which, despite good intentions, it is hurtful and discriminating.

If a person doesn't understand and it is obvious that it's a second language issue, simply they shouldn't respond until they do understand. The best way would be to refrain from posting until someone who does understand (and there are many who do on this forum) makes a response and suddenly the 'lightbulb' will go on.
The problem with watching TV and attempting to lipread them is that most of them don't enunciate! It is SO hard to lipread people that don't enunciate! People think lipreading is a super power like you can just know what they're saying... So annoying... People here in Florida are TERRIBLE at enunciating... I can lipread friends and family well because they know to enunciate, but strangers I just look at like they're retarded mostly... o.o Just saying... lol

I hate it when people over pronounce their words , it's impossible to read O OOO .
Smithtr is saying that it is important to have quality communication that results in clear understanding, especially when there is a need for confidential communication with a doctor or specialist. Although he is the most comfortable using ASL, he tries his best to improve in English so he can write things down and communicate that way.

Really, if you just take the time to actually read what Smithtr says, it's not that difficult to understand him, honestly people.

Thank Beclak I appreciate it. it is good feedback.

It alots of important to best to reading. It tried for me English cause. I struggle on English. also second language. It is pretty long times. It is visual on communication. I want to interpreter deaf communication clear to understand smooth easy. I think so improve English, I do wellness. I do tell you. I know community.. I confidential for skills ASL. hard for on try communication on private message on. I advise to private message clear to people doesn't understand reading to on difficult to English

my limit on English is very barries Language hard understand. It really communicate to confidential more aware it understand best to quality etc, It comfortable to communication. I know it is rough on take an English!

I like to always on communication to easy understood depend on understand reading
I think that Smithtr and several others who are communicating from their L1 to English, should be the ones considered in this case. This is a thread about Communication, so it is important that this issue be addressed. This is not just a one-off where posters have had the impulsiveness to comment that they cannot understand a post such as this. Put yourself in his/their shoes for a moment and realize the immense effort he/they have made to communicate. I think it inconsiderate and selfish to post these kind of response posts which, despite good intentions, it is hurtful and discriminating.

If a person doesn't understand and it is obvious that it's a second language issue, simply they shouldn't respond until they do understand. The best way would be to refrain from posting until someone who does understand (and there are many who do on this forum) makes a response and suddenly the 'lightbulb' will go on.

You want people to try to communicate, but you don't want them to admit when they don't understand??? That doesn't work at all. The whole process of communication is based on people trying to understand each other. And admitting you don't understand something is an important step in working toward gaining that understanding.

If I am interacting in real life with someone who doesn't understand me and they never tell me, we get nowhere. If they demonstrate that they don't, that makes me realize that I need to see if I can get through to them a different way. If I try, maybe they will understand some piece they didn't understand the first time, and we can build from there.

Putting myself in their shoes, I would want someone to say, with great kindness, sensitivity, without blame or ridicule, "I'm so sorry, I'm just not getting this. Can we try some more? I'd really like to understand..." I would be really upset if I found out someone didn't understand me and didn't bother to let me know and try to get clarification. That would make me feel like they didn't even care what it was I was trying to say. So I vehemently disagree with your opinion on what people should do. And I find your insulting labeling to be rude, insensitive, and ill-informed.
Thank Beclak I appreciate it. it is good feedback.

It alots of important to best to reading. It tried for me English cause. I struggle on English. also second language. It is pretty long times. It is visual on communication. I want to interpreter deaf communication clear to understand smooth easy. I think so improve English, I do wellness. I do tell you. I know community.. I confidential for skills ASL. hard for on try communication on private message on. I advise to private message clear to people doesn't understand reading to on difficult to English

my limit on English is very barries Language hard understand. It really communicate to confidential more aware it understand best to quality etc, It comfortable to communication. I know it is rough on take an English!

I like to always on communication to easy understood depend on understand reading

You have done so well with English in the years I have been on this forum.
You want people to try to communicate, but you don't want them to admit when they don't understand??? That doesn't work at all. The whole process of communication is based on people trying to understand each other. And admitting you don't understand something is an important step in working toward gaining that understanding.

If I am interacting in real life with someone who doesn't understand me and they never tell me, we get nowhere. If they demonstrate that they don't, that makes me realize that I need to see if I can get through to them a different way. If I try, maybe they will understand some piece they didn't understand the first time, and we can build from there.

Putting myself in their shoes, I would want someone to say, with great kindness, sensitivity, without blame or ridicule, "I'm so sorry, I'm just not getting this. Can we try some more? I'd really like to understand..." I would be really upset if I found out someone didn't understand me and didn't bother to let me know and try to get clarification. That would make me feel like they didn't even care what it was I was trying to say. So I vehemently disagree with your opinion on what people should do. And I find your insulting labeling to be rude, insensitive, and ill-informed.

:roll: Where did I use labels? You'd be needing to swallow your own words methinks.
:wave: FF. I was referring to the last sentence of her post. Yes, I am aware that amylynne is hearing.

Oh, im the one who is blind with her last sentence of her post. I dont think your post is not rude at all.
Thank everyone I will encourage to advise to you who have people introduce to teach to anytime question to native ASL. I know native English grammar sometimes. I believe you can do it take an research your focus on quality develop your mind. your develop your mind improve grammar level. you do it level improve ASL both modify your English. It is very best your do it. It is experiment to reading to education both communication. it is very skills very ASL fast. visual. No matter blind both deaf of hearing information strong to alots of really study. It is very skills clear to development. It is study research

Many people have frustration barrier to communication to hard to sometimes communication. It is very great.

Interpreter can do reading expert to professional. It is very clear to understand comments.
I observing to reading. Best for your luck future development encourage to your skills. be patient slow your thinks!