Thank you, rolling...for that insight. Yes, I admit that there are "problems" and "issues" that arose during our 5 years of marriage, and that as my hearing steadily declines, it has affected the communication between us, but I am determined to work on it. I started this thread for encouragement and support, not to be tackled down with such a pessimistic view. I am truly sorry that things did not work out for you; I pray that the same does not happen with me. My kids see us in a very loving relationship - we are affectionate with one another and to our kids. The times I am reclusive and withdraw from now and then are the times when I take things personally. This is my doing, not my husband's. He strongly encourages me to communicate with him. There are certain times when I am just too dang stubborn and don't want to.
ASL, and ANY language for that matter, does take time as you've stated. My daughter, who is preschool age, has already learned some of the basics at her school. I took ASL a few years ago, and also know the basics. And my husband learned a few of the basics just yesterday for the first time.
The thing is, when everyone is on board TOGETHER, you build a cohesive relationship that makes a strong bond between the persons involved. That is what I hope to acclomplish with ASL, because so far, I have everyone willing to learn it.
Don't get me wrong, rolling...but it appears that because you've had a bad experience, you're projecting that onto me. Again, I apologize if I'm wrong here. Please...I appreciate the warning, but let's tone down the pessimism here, ok?
And thanks again for everyone's comments. I am attempting to be as diplomatic here as possible, LOL!