Comedy and actor Robin Williams died at aged 63

Definitely a great loss in Hollywood and his fans. Robin Williams was a great actor.
I love his movies "Miss Doubtfire", "Good Morning Vietnam", "Mork Mindy" and more.
Shame, he was one of the few very original comedians I grew up watching....
I think he acted his best part in Jumanji.

I road cycle and past his pink house almost every weekends. I have picture of me next to his house somewhere, I'll update later.

RIP Robin Williams.
I think he acted his best part in Jumanji.

I road cycle and past his pink house almost every weekends. I have picture of me next to his house somewhere, I'll update later.

RIP Robin Williams.

This the movie you're referring to?

Why, oh why? I wish it didn't have to happen this way but I understand your pain. I love you, Robin and I will always miss you...RIP
One of the rare actors who has true talent....RIP Robin Williams.
:( Hub and I were just talking about this at breakfast and how sad it is, I was shocked when I heard at first...I was like -WHAT? We were talking about how he had depression and other emotional things....
A great loss as a person and a loss for the world.... :(
:aw: hub and I enjoyed that movie-

I hope no one will try to steal that beach , I am sure a lot of people would love to have it . It's very sad that he able to bring so joy into our lives and not able to find it in his own life .