Come On!

interesting how they said violation of trust, its like implying men are not trustworthy. It wasnt rape but yeah if similar situation involving for men and young girls it would be still sexual assault but of a higher degree, assuming if men wnet as far as these women described. I suppose it depends on which state/federal/ national of other country's laws involved
There's an " evil " growing out there. No body cares about teens or children. They just want to destroy " good " in teens and children to make them to become " bad ". How sad ! :(
The world is going to shit.
You know why?
Because hardly anyone does anything about it. People just 'go with the flow'.

Kid messing up in school? Behaving badly? Maybe they shot someone, like in Columbine? OH! It's the schools fault. No, its the kids that were picking on them. NO, IT MUST BE SOCIETY SCREWING THEM UP! It's T.V! It's video games! Games taught them to kill! Music taught them to kill!

Screw that. How about... nobody taught the kids values, and how to care. Nobody did what they were supposed to do. Society doesn't cause this crap, but it FAILS in the fact that NOBODY TAKES THE TIME TO TEACH VALUES ANYMORE.

All people care about is money, t.v., having STUFF.
Like corporations just want their money as fast as they can get it. They make the most appealing advertisements which they KNOW don't enforce good values. They overwork and abuse their employees, then throw them away when they become 'obsolete'. They mutually reinforce GREED and BIGOTRY and VANITY and IGNORANCE and they know that they are doing it too. Mind control is real. Everything has a cause. Everything YOU do and say has effects you can't even imagine.

Some times I hope we all extinct our selves and remove this blight WE create off the planet.
I heard about that few days ago (or last week). I thought that was just :eek3:. What's wrong with our justice system???? :roll: I demand a change in trial process for rape victims. First time was bad enough. Second time to retell the story to police. Third time in court retell the story to public while looking at the rapist is just unspeakable and cruel.
While it does sound a bit too harsh, I do sorta agree with this in some ways. Lately, using the word "rape" has become too easy that it has become misinterpreted when describing what happened.

With a lot of bullshit accusations going on these days, I don't blame some judges wanting to hear a more detailed story than just "He raped me!" How did he rape her? Maybe, she's using the word from a different point of view or something.