Colorado to Washington soon...

yeppers, and he's having a good time here in Seattle, and he's a cool guy to hang out with. I hope he will have a good time at the camp, I'm pretty sure he will.
sequoias said:
yeppers, and he's having a good time here in Seattle, and he's a cool guy to hang out with. I hope he will have a good time at the camp, I'm pretty sure he will.
thanks sequoias... it's funny you're typing this and you're in the another room lol... it's Thursday so it's off to camp I go in Tumwater within Olympia area in Washington state and will be done by Sunday... ttyl y'll!
I had a wonderful time at the Lifestyle & Leadership Camp from Thursday noon until Sunday noon. There's no words to describe how I experienced my duration at the camp. I attended workshps, alot of discussion to cover many issues, meeting many GLBTIQ (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Trangender, Intersexual, Questioning) deafs, HOH, etc. It was my best vacation so as I'm typing this, I'm in Seattle staying with a friend from yesterday until today... I'm going to Tacoma to visit a friend and get the idea of other city then drive all the way back to colorful Colorado tomorrow, possibly Wednesday... on a final note, I'm thinking about moving to Washington state here... any more further questions is welcome and I'll check here from time to time and thanks for your time reading my posts!