Colorado to Washington soon...


Active Member
Mar 26, 2003
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I know this isn't the place to put down but I'd like the moderators pls make this a topic sticky for awhile... thx

In few weeks from now, I'll be traveling from Denver, Colorado to Washington state within Olympia area for camping... Check this website out for further informations at ... NWRAD are hosting a deaf GLBT camping events for few days and I'll be going there via road trip. So I will probably see Kuifje75 in SLC for few hours or just overnigh before I resume driving. My basic plan for right now is going from I-25 to Wyoming, then I-80 to SLC. Resume driving from SLC on I-84 all the way to Washington (I-82) I hope i remember if it's right... I know ChelEler live in Wyoming not too far from I-80... If anyone of you live not too far from the highway, pls pm me or feel free to open communciate with by posting in here and I hope to see more ADers during my road trip! Anyone's more than welcome to ask questions!
DO have fun PDP!!!!!! :thumb:

im going to miss the NWRAD hosted camping! :tears: oh well mebbe next time!

have a safe trip PDP and enjoy meeting up with other ADers u see on ur way to WA State! :D
Sound Fun! Please driving carefully. U will like Seattle once arrive there. :)
hey pimpdaddy,

I've heard of that camping near Olympia, it's actually in Tumwater, WA. I hope u enjoy it there and have a blast! I'm in Seattle, WA.
Thank you everyone for the compliments... Sequiouas, since u're in Seattle, are u in the 'same boat' or totally straight, just wondering.... I'd to visit you and other ADers who live along the way... Come on Y'll let me know if u live along the way! It's only about 10 days left for me to zoom!
Wahoo, it's only 3 days for me to leave colorful Colorado and head to Salt Lake City, then it's off to Washington state to meet ppl up there! Sequiouas, I'm looking forward to meet you and ur friends! Cant wait! Y'll whose live nearby the highways that i mentioned, pls email me!
it's only 1 1/2 days to go for me! I hope someone can post here where they live along my route... otherwise I'd never meet you :( hehe oh boy I gotta do shopping, cleaning, laundries, visit family before I leave... oy vey so much to do and only little time to do those! ack!
PDP be sure to let me know when you are planning on arriving in SLC on Saturday.
Have a safe journey.
kuifje75 said:
PDP be sure to let me know when you are planning on arriving in SLC on Saturday.
Have a safe journey.
yeah I will be leaving Denver, Colorado sometime Saturday morning in time to make it to SLC late afternoon or early evening... BTW email me at I lost the Deaf Center's website and address I need it badly! I do have your address though but need Deaf Center address as well... hope to hear from you soon!
Saturday's coming up!....I hope u have a safe journey and will see u there in few days here in Emerald City. Take care.
Hello gangs, as of right now it's Monday Sept 20 4:20am in the morning and I'm taking a time to write this down...when I arrived Seattle yesterday (Sunday) night at 8:20pm and went to bar afterwhile and had a blast time and I'm looking forward for my friend to show me more tmw and the rest of the week... ttyl
cool glad to know you have arrived safely in Seattle. You're lucky you drove when you did, 'cos it snowed here in the mountains during the night!
Have Fun PimpDaddy :ily: .... I did not know that ChelEler live in Wyoming, she is sure lucky to live there cuz I go pass there a lot when heading in the west that area seems nice and pretty their mountains are something I always love to look at when I am on the roads. Have a safe trip and please do post pictures I would love to see them. :mrgreen:
kuifje75 said:
cool glad to know you have arrived safely in Seattle. You're lucky you drove when you did, 'cos it snowed here in the mountains during the night!
it was nice to see you again along with the deaf gangs @ the Deaf Center... it was very fun time and thanks for telling me about it... good day!
Seattle's a nice place to visit and so are people including sequoias ;) am looking forward for camping to start doon but I know time will fly fast...