Color Sidekick Article....

Never owned a pager, but am considering to buy sidekick sometime soon. I just needed more information, but I'm going to wait a little bit longer to see if there's a recall on color pda sidekick. CNET gives 8.2 rating for this one. Cool! Thanks for the links Matty! :thumb:
T-Mobile's Sidekick springs into color

By Ian Fried
Staff Writer, CNET
June 5, 2003, 10:49 AM PT

T-Mobile plans to start selling on Friday the color version of Danger's Sidekick gadget, along with a broader range of monthly plans for the unit, which acts as a cell phone, a Web browser and an instant-messaging and e-mail device.

With the new service plans, customers can get unlimited usage of the device's unlimited e-mail, Web surfing and AOL instant messaging functions, with any T-Mobile rate plan for an extra $20 a month. T-Mobile also is offering a data-only option for $29.95 a month, with any voice minutes billed at 20 cents a minute. Previously, Sidekick owners had to choose from one of two rate plans that included unlimited data and a set number of voice minutes for between $40 and $60 a month.
"I think the data plans that T-Mobile has come up with are really killer," Danger CEO Henry "Hank" Nothhaft said in a telephone interview. In particular, Nothhaft noted, the data-only plan will appeal to the deaf community, which has been a strong market for the Sidekick. Until now, though, deaf users have been paying for voice minutes that they don't need.

$30/mo without voice - not bad! I'd get that myself!
yeah- my dad won one of 'em when he went to a deaf expo... hasnt gotten it yet.
side kick is awesome and fun for you guys to use new features. not for me, i like passion :)
I might get one....I need to find out what's the coverage for Arkansas before I decide to purchase it.

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