ah-ha. ok thanks for clarification. did you notify the terp about the indiscernible word? When that happened to me, I wrote the word on note and gave it to my terp so that she can update it in her computer. no more INDISCERNIBLE!
but I understand your frustration that it may looks like we may have a lot better resource than what you have but don't see it that way. It's most likely a matter of availability of resource in a location.... as well as some budget issue. But the budget issue isn't really much of a case in here because they can get the additional funding from state and federal. At my high school which is very academic-oriented school. Note-taking wasn't just cutting out for me anymore. So my parents and I complained to my case manager about it. The best part is that she has deaf family member so she understood my situation sympathetically. She did a lot of work and found out about CART service. The school had absolutely no budget for it at all. That's why the NJ Department of Education director came down to personally interview me from Trenton! oh he's deaf
5 min talk and he had issued a special budget to my school for CART service. Hooray to them for making it possible!
I did a quick search on your location of your college and hmmm well - it's in a rather sleepy small city. I mean you know that it's logical that in a major city, you're likely to have a better availability of resource than small city, right? That might be a case...... but then... it could be that your disability office director is one lazy arse who didn't want to do all these paperwork and hassles