Many people I know think I am because I collect buttons. Not the pin-on kind, but rather the shirt type. I have 10's of thousands. What odd things do you collect????
Originally posted by buttongrl
Many people I know think I am because I collect buttons. Not the pin-on kind, but rather the shirt type. I have 10's of thousands. What odd things do you collect????
Originally posted by Fly Free
welcome to AD and enjoy ur stay!
i collect books :-x i have TOO MANY of them now and have run out of places to put them LOL -- going to be getting rid of the V.C. Andrews novels ive had for YEARS -- dont want them anymore so maybe thatll help in space for other additional books that i bring home LOL
Originally posted by sablescort
<---collect and keep old magazines and books, but the wife might kill me fer that LOL!
Originally posted by e
So far I remember I used to collect rocks, comics, National Geographic magzines. I don't collect anything anymore
Originally posted by sablescort
those old National Geographics!!!!
I loved thumbing thru the pages of issues from the '40s to the '60's looking at exotic places and people.
I always wanted to have a collection of real Old National geographics and bought a stack of 'em for a start, but somehow I misplaced 'em during a move..oh well but I shud buy a CD-rom of the whole collection since I dont have enough room to keep all of 'em plus what more the very first issue in 1889 costs a cool 10,000!