I am under the impression that the officers that are working for the stadium are off duty officers being paid by the team employing them. Not traffic control in the area and that kind of thing.
Newbies aren't, but I do take exception to hearing who come in and decide to ride roughshod over Deaf.
A Trump campaign rally would probably suit you better than here.
I think he probably would endorse eugenics if he knew what it meant.
I learned to think and reason from my father, who served for some time as a military policeman, taking charge of blowhards like you when they got out of hand. He fought for all of us to have the freedoms that you would like to kill a young athlete for using.
I'll leave you with a truism. Arguing with a liberal is like arguing with a pig in a slop hole. You both get filthy but the pig likes it!!!
Replace 'liberal' with 'conservative' and you get the same truism.
One has precisely NOTHING to do with the other. Of course, he has the freedom to do what he does. That doesn't make him right. He, I'm sure, eagerly accepts the enourmous money and all the benefits this country provides to him with absolutely NO respect for it whasoever. I'll bet he know NO ONE who is a victim of anything!!
He's pond scum. Wait, pond scum has more class!!
I don't watch the NFL anymore. Where are the Walter Paytons!!! Forty years ago there would have been a bounty on him. Someone would have taken him out. That's NOT a statement as to how I feel about bounties. Jus' sayin'!!