Does anyone else's hearing in their HA ear go down when they're full of a cold? Mine does and it's pretty annoying. Why does your hearing go down when you have a cold. i can barely talk properly due to my cold
Your hearing probably lessens when you have a cold because your eustachian tubes are blocked so you are adding a conductive loss to your existing sensorineural loss.
But I am not a doctor. Maybe DeafDoc will show up and give you a better answer.
Does anyone else's hearing in their HA ear go down when they're full of a cold? Mine does and it's pretty annoying. Why does your hearing go down when you have a cold. i can barely talk properly due to my cold
Does anyone else's hearing in their HA ear go down when they're full of a cold? Mine does and it's pretty annoying. Why does your hearing go down when you have a cold. i can barely talk properly due to my cold
Does anyone else's hearing in their HA ear go down when they're full of a cold? Mine does and it's pretty annoying. Why does your hearing go down when you have a cold. i can barely talk properly due to my cold