coffee wine drink.. eh

I love both but together? Sounds gross.
i agree!!! I admit that i did drink alcohol in a moderation and lot fo foods, all day then at night, i switched to coffee for three hours or so. If i feel fine, then i can drive home. If coffee is not working then i stay over.
I'm agree but it's gross with both my answer says NO!

I do drink coffee and wine but not BOTH! To drink but it's so insane
er fermented coffee beans? interesting id wanna see the you tube, showing the process.....
its be like Red Bulls +Jagermeister, the Jag Bomb = drunk and awake....LOL!!
that's if they didnt alter chemically to retain the caffeine, or added more caffeine like they do in Red Bull....
Lol ^^^. I'll try coffee wine. Not sure if I need to add skim milk. Lol

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Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww... not together!!! Not even close together!!! One is for the morning and one is for the evening or at night!!! :ugh:
Oh god, I've had coffee after consuming a couple of cocktails, and it doesn't settle well in my stomach. Lovely. :ugh:
There is one at just a mile away from there. I wonder what it's like...