Coclear implant question

I have progressive hearing loss that probably began very early and I was severely HOH/d/Deaf (I learned ASL at my integrated school). By the time I started college at age 18 I had pretty severe hearing loss, I was profoundly deaf 2.5 years later. I got my implant At age 27, activated a few weeks later when I was 28 and on activation day I could understand speech. I was working on my master's thesis at the time. I just put DVDs on for background noise (I need background noise to study or write) and after an hour or two I laughed, paused and realized that I laughed at a joke on the DVD. My head had been down, my mind busy doing calculations but somehow the helium voices made sense.
At my 3 month checkup I was able to understNd speech in noise even when the speech was 10-15dB more quiet than the noise. My audiologist said I was a rockstar but the booth isn't life.
I work in an ER and will hopefully be an ER doctor. Noise is everywhere. Sometimes I don't hear well but once I'm a doctor I can take charge of a room and ask that only one person speak at a time (my ER is really about not having a clear leader for codes).
I have progressive hearing loss that probably began very early and I was severely HOH/d/Deaf (I learned ASL at my integrated school). By the time I started college at age 18 I had pretty severe hearing loss, I was profoundly deaf 2.5 years later. I got my implant At age 27, activated a few weeks later when I was 28 and on activation day I could understand speech. I was working on my master's thesis at the time. I just put DVDs on for background noise (I need background noise to study or write) and after an hour or two I laughed, paused and realized that I laughed at a joke on the DVD. My head had been down, my mind busy doing calculations but somehow the helium voices made sense.
At my 3 month checkup I was able to understNd speech in noise even when the speech was 10-15dB more quiet than the noise. My audiologist said I was a rockstar but the booth isn't life.
I work in an ER and will hopefully be an ER doctor. Noise is everywhere. Sometimes I don't hear well but once I'm a doctor I can take charge of a room and ask that only one person speak at a time (my ER is really about not having a clear leader for codes).
Wow,that is so wonderful for you!! I am so glad it has worked out so well for you!! For me,not so much yet,was activated a couple of weeks ago,cannot understand speech that well,cannot understand the tv,i feel like i have ear plugs in my ears. I did email my audio,but she said im where im suppised to be, that i havent even had my programming corrected yet,and that it takes up to 6 mths to really do that well,idk,some of you guys have done so well and had worse earing or for longer than me and have done absolutly great!? Guess time will tell
Recently i purchased Nucleus 6 with one rechargeable battery and a charger kit.

And i cant seems to connect charging adapter to battery charger.

Battery charger requires round shaped pin whereas only cable i got from CR200 charging kit is for only remote control.

Can you please send a picture of rechargeable battery charger adapter with voltage readings to me. I will be thankful. I dont reside in the U.S my audiologist has messed up things.

Thanks in advance, awaiting your reply

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