Cochlear recalls Nucleus CI500

My crystal ball says (and we all know how accurate those are):

Failure rate could exceed 20%.

Reading between the lines on the press release with the information available publically (i.e. an "increasingfailure rate after implantation) I suspect that there will be non-hermetic implants. Not good. But take it for what its worth. It is a crystal ball predicting this.


Is my crystal ball in tune or what? Look what came out today.

Moisture blamed for Cochlear implant malfunctions | The Australian

My crystal ball says (and we all know how accurate those are):

Failure rate could exceed 20%.

Reading between the lines on the press release with the information available publically (i.e. an "increasingfailure rate after implantation) I suspect that there will be non-hermetic implants. Not good. But take it for what its worth. It is a crystal ball predicting this.


That's a high rate. A very high rate.
IMHO, the fact that Cochlear Limited is reporting a hermeticity/moisture failure, is completely unacceptable. This is a known technology, has test standards and methods of testing for it, and was the source of the first AB recall.

To have a recall of this magintude seems to show systematic problems. 200 units already is not good (that is a big understatement).

My crystal ball also tells me that the issue will be part of the new shape monolithic feedthrough design on the N5 which is part of what made it small.

Now where my crystal ball gets fuzzy is if it will be found to be just the monolithic feedthrough or manufacturing.
Guess this is the time to buy them....

Not yet. Good thinking though. Its how it works. Buy when its low, sell when its high.

That said, gut feeling tells me over the next 3 months it will fall more as more information is disclosed publically. I would wait a little bit to buy (notice this isn't saying don't buy..just want to hit it when its lowest).

Not yet. Good thinking though. Its how it works. Buy when its low, sell when its high.

That said, gut feeling tells me over the next 3 months it will fall more as more information is disclosed publically. I would wait a little bit to buy (notice this isn't saying don't buy..just want to hit it when its lowest).


I would pay close attention to what people say about their implant, whichever brand before making any decisions to invest. If I notice there tended to be a particular brand that's problematic whether immediately after surgery or years down the road, I would hesitate to invest. Considering no long term reports have been done on reliability and functionality of CIs, that's even more of a reason to be conservative, considering how just word of mouth alone about the recalls would result in reporting that Cochlear LTD's stocks fell by 27% (I believe this report was made September 12, 2011) after it actually had already made a gain of 10% the month before.

It made a gain of 5.88% today though according to last stock reports.
My Japanese friend prefers ASL over JSL cuz he finds it much easier to communicate with. You should ask your friends what's the sign for older brother :lol:

Yes, I already knew the sign language for older brother. LOL :naughty:
I went to a CI information session a few days ago (the company my audi works for provides cochlear CI's)and they said the failure rate was 0.6% and upto 1% is normal but still because of this they are now fitting the provious model
upto 1% is normal, i cant remember what she said in regards to the failure rate of the old model, but the one being recalled has a failure rate of 0.6% she claims
I went to a CI information session a few days ago (the company my audi works for provides cochlear CI's)and they said the failure rate was 0.6% and upto 1% is normal but still because of this they are now fitting the provious model

I remember a debate where I said closer to 1 in 100 than 1 in 1000....
I was able to hear sounds and speech and talk with the audiologist on first activation. It was amazing! I actually screamed out Yeah!!! as loud as i could and high fived my father, and the audiologist got teary eyed.

But my surgery recovery time was slow. I had a lot of pain and swelling because i have inflammation health problems anyways, which are rare. I recovered after 2 weeks.
my 1yr old has the recalled device implanted. i was told his is fine but i dont feel its fine. he has had the CI for 5 months and my son cant hear and doesnt respond.
I was able to hear sounds and speech and talk with the audiologist on first activation. It was amazing! I actually screamed out Yeah!!! as loud as i could and high fived my father, and the audiologist got teary eyed.

But my surgery recovery time was slow. I had a lot of pain and swelling because i have inflammation health problems anyways, which are rare. I recovered after 2 weeks.

:') im still waiting to see my son respond. Congrats to u and ur family
That's quite a definition of hearing that you've made up there. Hearing is the perception of sound stimuli. Look it up. Yes, my daughter immediately responded to sounds in her environment, and could discriminate between tones and hand claps, and even find them from a completely different part of the house. She was able to hear from day 1. Within a few weeks she was able to distinguish the difference between the dogs panting softly below her bedroom window and a cat meowing in the same place without seeing either of them. CIs work and they work well, and the risks associated with them are negligible.

Not all CI work. My son is profound/severly deaf he had the Nucleus5 implanted in July and still cant hear. they have mapped and programed since then and it hasnt worked for him.
my 1yr old has the recalled device implanted. i was told his is fine but i dont feel its fine. he has had the CI for 5 months and my son cant hear and doesnt respond.

Talk to your audiologist.

Does your son have the green light active on his device? Cochlear is recommending you watch the lights, if they change to orange, instead of green, it means he is not hearing.
Not all CI work. My son is profound/severly deaf he had the Nucleus5 implanted in July and still cant hear. they have mapped and programed since then and it hasnt worked for him.

How are they MAPping him? Are they using the NRTs? Does the audiologist do a booth test after MAPping? What does the audiogram look like?
Talk to your audiologist.

Does your son have the green light active on his device? Cochlear is recommending you watch the lights, if they change to orange, instead of green, it means he is not hearing.

the lights are green

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