I haven't posted any progress reports lately

so it's been a little over 4 weeks post activation and things are going just freaking awesome.
On Monday made phone calls for the first time with my CI. I used my Hamilton relay service because I didn't think it'd go that well. Turns out I impressed the **** out of myself. I didn't use the captions for either phone call. One phone call I missed something she said so I checked the captions but they hadn't caught up to the conversation yet so I just asked due a repeat and we cleared it up that way. It went soooooo well!!!! I really didn't think I'd be at that point for awhile yet.
Also, the other day I saw a video posted on fb. U2s "With or Without You". I watched/listened just for ****s and giggles. His voice sounded like I remembered!!!! I was so excited I went and got myself an iPod Nano and put some of my old CDs on it. I need to put many more tunes on it. I also got myself some over the ear headphones

newer music still sounds pretty dreadful, but now I have high hopes that will change.
So excited because I really didn't expect to get music, I set the bar real low for that, actually talking on the phone too, set that bar pretty low.
I have another mapping, the second since activation, on the 28th. I'm to charge my compilot before hand so we can hook that up

maybe music and phone will get even better!
My son took a pic of me "rocking out" with my new headphones.