Pinky, check out this website:
Freedom Snugfit™ [xZ60971] - $36.00 : Cochlear, Innovator of the Nucleus Freedom cochlear hearing implant system
This would help you so much. its so much better than the earmold, trust me. I had the earmold before and i hated using it because it hurt my ear canal so much and having to clean it and get a new earmold and all the works. But since i got this product. I like it, its very comfortable and its adujustable and it doesn't fall off of your ear at all. SO it might be a little bit expensive, but its worth the money. the snugfit comes with 2 in the package. If one snugfit breaks, you have the extra one in case. I like it alot, very comfortable. If you decide to buy it i'm sure you'll be happy not to get the earmold. It helps me alot too ever since i was in band.