Cochlear Implant Webcast

Sweet! Boult's iTunes link leads to about 100 different surgical videos. Today's isn't up yet, as he said, but there is one from 6/25 that shows a cochlear implantation. Possibly Dr. B's previous videoed surgery? Man, I'm going nuts downloading these - call me crazy, but I love this kind of thing. (Oh, right, and they're all free.)
Sweet! Boult's iTunes link leads to about 100 different surgical videos. Today's isn't up yet, as he said, but there is one from 6/25 that shows a cochlear implantation. Possibly Dr. B's previous videoed surgery? Man, I'm going nuts downloading these - call me crazy, but I love this kind of thing. (Oh, right, and they're all free.)
that one is a "coming soon" of yesterday live webcast.
Can anyone tell me how this video plays for people using dial up? I'm one of the few who doesn't have high speed Internet access. :( Also, is this video narrated? On another forum there was a discussion about a CI surgery webcast that was narrated, but I don't know if you all are referring to the same one. I won't be able to see the surgery (thank goodness because I have a weak stomach :)) but I can appreciate the narration. :)
I freaking missed it!!! I remembered about it the night before it was to be on, then I just simply forgot as I was out and about & just never thought about it til I got home. Damnit!!!

I tried reading the CI surgery zip file, but can't find the text.
unzip the file then go in the "CI Surgery" folder and double-click Event.aspx.html and it will load in a web browser. It is web archive. it's white font with black background.
unzip the file then go in the "CI Surgery" folder and double-click Event.aspx.html and it will load in a web browser. It is web archive. it's white font with black background.

It worked. Thanks for the help! :)
Funny, my computer STILL says it cannot find iTunes on my computer, even though I do have it.... Or is it just a firefox thing? I have no idea. Anyway, I'll have to watch this video.