Cochlear Implant Patients.

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;) So are you fine with being called a guinea pig? its a form of practicing medicine after all. Or with more respect/dignity - People with CI.


Don't know about you, but I would rather my dr. practiced on someone else.:giggle:
LOL find offense in everything don't some of you? I was a Patient! I don't find that offensive and if you do that's awfully sad. Cancer patient's sure have alot more to worry about than the term Patient!

Well, you certainly don't feel audism as bad as I do then.

However- It's clear that I was aiming for a better use of terms. I can show you the very first post where he started slinging... Then it all went downhill from there.
I think the only person able to deal with hell would be God himself. I'm just guessing thats where you might end up. Most christians wouldn't persecute another fellow christian for being a christian.

Wow! Taking over God's job now. Uh, that is Christian with a "C".

You have no idea where I will end up nor where you will end up. I'm not even sure you know where you are.
Oh Oh.... I'll just have a pastor come by on my death bed, and confess to him... I'll just be fine and dandy on my way out.
Who said CI is bad, bad, bad?

You are incorrect. I go by what I feel. Empathy for those that are constantly told they are "less than" simply because they do not see a CI as necessary to improve their lives.

If it was the right decision for you, then that's great. As for every child....can't agree. I chose not to have my son implanted, and as an adult, he sees no need for it, either. He is a graduate student at a well known hearing college, and is perfectly productive and happy. In fact, I know plenty of hearing folks that aren't as productive and happy as he is stone cold deaf.

I checked out all options. I decided to take the one that left my son medically unaltered. The risk and the pain was not worth it, when everything I investigated indicated to me that he did not have to have hearing in order to be a whole person. And, for what is to be 25 years next month, he agrees with me.

Your clearly stating that your son will be 25 next month, so.. assuming your not a slut or anything. most people would have kids a year after they are married at the earliest and also assuming you married your high school sweetheart right out of high school that would make you at least 43.
Oh Oh.... I'll just have a pastor come by on my death bed, and confess to him... I'll just be fine and dandy on my way out.

There you go!

I gotta take a cigarrette break. I have laughed until my jaws ache.:lol:
Your clearly stating that your son will be 25 next month, so.. assuming your not a slut or anything. most people would have kids a year after they are married at the earliest and also assuming you married your high school sweetheart right out of high school that would make you at least 43.

My mom is young. Maybe she is much younger than your mother, and I am 11 years older than you.

Young/Old is relative. :) I am young at heart.
Don't know about you, but I would rather my dr. practiced on someone else.:giggle:

If you knew anything you would know that having a CI put in isn't practice anymore. They have been doing it for years now and are getting better everyday!
Your clearly stating that your son will be 25 next month, so.. assuming your not a slut or anything. most people would have kids a year after they are married at the earliest and also assuming you married your high school sweetheart right out of high school that would make you at least 43.

Uh, next month is not now. Duh. A slut? How does someone get so judgemental in 18 short years?

Making a lot of assumptions there, aren't you. You do know what they say about someone who makes assumptions?

Nope, wrong guess again. I am not 43.

Honey, there is a difference between "your" and "you're". Just because they sound alike doesn't mean they look alike or that they represent the same concept. Failure, English phonics and hearing...point ASL.
If you knew anything you would know that having a CI put in isn't practice anymore. They have been doing it for years now and are getting better everyday!

Then, pray tell, why do they call it "practicing" medicine?
My mom is young. Maybe she is much younger than your mother, and I am 11 years older than you.

Young/Old is relative. :) I am young at heart.

In the older tribes and such kids were allowed to get married fairly early around the age of puberty. As puberty in girls ranges from 8-13 jillio could be as young as 33 - 38. But as said assuming jillio waited until she was out of high school she could be as old as 43.
In the older tribes and such kids were allowed to get married fairly early around the age of puberty. As puberty in girls ranges from 8-13 jillio could be as young as 33 - 38. But as said assuming jillio waited until she was out of high school she could be as old as 43.

i'm chuckling. Ya know, people can get knocked up without getting married? Like me for instance.
Because they are a new unexperienced doctor. My surgeon happened to be my audiologist. I trust him completely.

Dude, they say "practicing medicine" until the doctor retires. Then they say he has retired from "practicing medicine."
Not entirely true. You got to have the right equipment and to be able to feel and to analyze highs. I throughly enjoy music in cello, flute, harp and all that. I love Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata Mvt. 3 via harp.

"Your still missing all the highs" assumption is incorrect.

I wish I had your ability to play music and to write songs. I don't play music well nor do I have a good grasp of phonics. When I play the piano, everyone leaves the room. The autoharp is the one instrument I play well. I come from a musical family and my sister has been a music major and a music teacher in the past. My nephew Philip who is her son is a music major.

On the other hand, I'm excellent in the visual arts dept and i'm good with Art, Design and crafts. I think that more than makes up for my lack of musical ability.
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