Cochlear implant intervention.

Sure! It would be great if I could get a script! I got the gist of most of the conversation, but I would def learn new signs if you could fill in the gaps, especially from the "interventee". He went way too fast for me.

I was using my pager when I made my posts in this thread. Now, I am finally on the computer but too mentally tired tonight. I will do it this weekend if u all remind me. Sorry and thanks for your patience. :)
:rofl2: This is hilarious. The Deaf skit is telling us what hearing people like his hearing mom and the therapist who want to force him to have cochlear implant. If he refuse, then the therapist told him that his mom will disown him if he don't get it. His performance is really funny and really mean what hearing people trying to make all Deaf to be like hearing people. This is what Deaf comedian or Deaf storyteller does in strong ASL to make us laugh when it is really silly or riduculous. He did a good job but only part where there is shadow or dark that I almost could not make out what he was signing like his mom. Yes, in the end when he was smoking his cigarette it was a little bit dark but could make out what a little bit. But still, it is really funny that I laugh. I love it a lot. Thank you for showing the tape, society's child. You may be hearing but you did the right one to lighten us up with what we all have struggle with our parents and other audists. :thumb: I wish the hearing people would just stop this to make us be like them. Geez. :roll:
Lines from the skit...tried my best.

Man: Hey, an interpreter? Is this for me? Yes, I am proud to be deaf. Deaf power rocks!

Interpreter: Your mom wants you to get a cochlear implant.

Man: Nah, my mom is hearing. I will share a story with you about the hearing world and deaf people being “hearing”. My brother has an implant.

Brother Jack: Hi, my name is Jack. I grew up with this implant. I can read lips. My brother is Deaf. He believes in Deaf power. He always blames me for acting “hearing”. I tried to help my brother to become “hearing”.

Mother: My son is deaf. He doesn’t want to be “hearing”. I want him to interact with hearing people. My son believes in Deaf power. I asked him “What is he doing?” I want this intervention to help him become hearing. cant understand…something about his brother Jack* I hope this intervention helps. …please help, please help.

Interventionist: ( everything she says is captioned)

Mother: Ok I am ready.

Jack: unintelligible (I think the purpose of this to emphasize his poor speech skills despite his implant)

Man: *walking in * What’s up? My mother and brother are here. Who is that woman?

Scene of man hugging his mom and pushing his brother Jack away.

Scene of therapist, Kate, introducting herself to the deaf man.

Deaf man: mimicking the therapist’s attempt to speak slow and feeling offended. Tells the interpreter that the therapists doesn’t sign and attempts to communicate is no good. Doesn’t want terp to sign SEE…wants ASL. SEE will make this too long.

Deaf man: Why am I here? I don’t have a problem with drinking or anything else. What’s up?

Deaf man to someone: What do u have to say. Go ahead and say it.

Therapist telling deaf man the reason for the intervention and handing a box of tissue to the mother.

Mother blowing nose and turning to deaf man* I want you to be in the hearing world like jack. You will be happier. You will be able to talk with the family. Everytime the family talks , you always bring up Deaf power. That’s not good. If you don’t stop this behavior , u cant visit my family.

Deaf man…*making faces at mother* Now, brother….?

Jack: Something about being able to talk to hearing people and growing up in a hearing school.

Jack: telling his brother that he doesn’t want the implant and something about not being happy and that the implant will help him get better jobs.

Jack: You will have more options and you will be happier socializing in the hearing world. If u decide not to get the implant, I will not see you anymore.

Deaf man: I want to tell the both of you. I have always used ASL. I am not fond of interacting with hearing people. I grew up going to Deaf schools, playing sports, being involved with a lot and socializing with Deaf people. to Jack* You are isolated at school. I see u coming home and reading all by yourself. The kids at your school always picks on you. Nobody picks on me. I am happy at the Deaf school socializing with everyone. Many Deaf people were able to go to college. There is a Deaf college. Many Deaf people were able to get jobs and be successful.

Deaf Man: turning to mom Mom, you cant change who I am. I wont change into a hearing person. I grew up Deaf and with Deaf power. You have to accept it. There is nothing wrong with who I am.

Scene of therapist telling deaf man that he must do it. goes to mom and jack

Deaf man: I am fine about not interacting with my family. You both keep trying to brainwash me. I am done! I am Deaf and you have to accept it. gets up and throws tissue box at jack

Showing Jack and Mother getting up.

Deaf Man; You! My mom and Jack….or Jackass..I am Deaf not “HEARING”. Quit it! Turning to mother Mom, you haven’t experienced being in the Deaf world and understand Deaf culture. If the family spoke Spanish, there are business that can use the language but for me, u want me to become “hearing”. Like different languages, Deaf people from all over have their own different sign languages…*naming different sign language from other countries* You need to stop oppressing me! stomping the therapist

Deaf man: See you later. I am going to the Deaf world. Bye Bye

Deaf man going outside: Hearing people keep oppressing Deaf people. I am finished with it! walking away and turning to the camera*…Stop it! Stop bothering me.

Deaf man: ranting and raving Think hearing people can make me hearing? throws objects

Deaf man in car: Deaf power!
This seems hilarious to me! Wish I knew more ASL (or at least need to slow down the video!) in order to understand everything. I really think I am cheating when I "understand" ASL, because the people I talk to usually mouth the words, so I can lipread them easily. The guy in the video does NOT mouth the words at all, thus making it much harder for me.

*sheepishly raising my hand* me too......