Oh, and ciav mom........did you just do a commerical? Is your daughter's business struggling? NOBODY is saying " go voice off" Even many Deaf of Deaf families have their kids enrolled in spoken language therapy. There are even a few who send them to oral schools!!! (I know of a couple of DODAs who sent their kids to Clarke and CID)
I also think those who push Inclusion and the Mainstream World At ALL costs, do not understand that just b/c a kid is pushed towards the mainstream, that they are going to be able to be High Acheivers. Even oral "sucesses" say they don't feel like they fit into the hearing world totally. Heck, I know of a lot of dhh kids who were pushed towards the hearing world, picked up the vibe that they needed to be NORMAL, at ALL costs, and it screwed them up psychologically and emotionally. Access to the mainstream world is NOT lacking at ALL....those of us who are dhh, can have partial access..........but we can NEVER be hearing.
How would you like to be raised with the unspoken attitude that " You must become normal? You must function normally at ALL costs!"? How would you like it, if your strenghs were ignored and you had to focus exclusively on a weakness? That is what auditory verbal therapy does...........it tries to make dhh kids function as Normally As Possible, and demonizes things like ASL, cued speech and even speechreading as "crutches" Quite frankly, I think that auditory verbal is child abuse/snake oil, and that parents who desperately want their kid to be "normal" chose it.