Back when I could hear I worked for a very good Dr. It was common for drug and product reps to pay kickbacks to the docs, the clinic, the hospital and all. Every time the doc rx'd the preferred product he got a bit of profit as did the system. Therefore if "trusted, old brand" worked well, the system encouraged you to use "new, improved brand" anyway. It was costlier for the patient so that all in the system could get kick backs. Once a month this same rep would take the ENTIRE department out to a NICE restaurant. They would also leave coveted pens, cups and high tech gadgets for favorite departments. Now lets up that for equipment such as diagnostic equipment, scopes, cameras, and patient care items. When the clinic buys such equipment they do schedule that equipment for lots of use. Not for diagnostic justification but to pay the thing off or cover the rent on it. They also cut patient visit times but billed you for a full visit, this allows them to make more money by seeing more patients to pay the equipment off. Patient personal use equipment was handled the same way. Patients pay more. You do not always get a choice if you are not told that there is a choice. Many times the presentation is slanted in favor of New Improved when Old and Trusted is still great, cheaper for the patient and has a proven safety record. You may apply this philosophy to all medical equipment. In the end it is the patients who pay.