CNN Poll: Obama approval up in wake of health care victory

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Graham? No thanks. We need a candidate with real conservative values and beliefs.

like what? some examples.
I'm in the wait-and-see mode. 2012 is a while off. Though I'm looking forward to the 2010 election.
A rogue, tough guy who doesn't give no guff or be a pantywaist or play the political correctness card. Defend America first, the rest follows.
I haven't followed Graham that closely.....By rising star I was referring to camera time he got in the 90's
Basically, pull yourself up by your own bootstraps. :D

A rogue, tough guy who doesn't give no guff or be a pantywaist or play the political correctness card. Defend America first, the rest follows.

I like what ya'all just said there. It's time we stop apologizing, bowing too low, issuing "explanatory" press statements, delaying on decision during critical situation, and spending lot of time to make everybody happy.

America First :cool2:
I'm in the wait-and-see mode. 2012 is a while off. Though I'm looking forward to the 2010 election.

same. Don't care if it's red or blue or M/F. Just show me somebody who can do the hard job as demanded for America, not others.
2012 is a long time a way. I expect him to win re-election though
The incumbent wins more times than not in presidential races. The recent exception was the first Bush, who was a better president than his son ever was.
Declaw AIPAC and everything will be much better.
A rogue, tough guy who doesn't give no guff or be a pantywaist or play the political correctness card. Defend America first, the rest follows.

This relates to the thread how?
Ummm, that is not what the thread is about... :lol:

I will buy you a special mug cuz you deserve it

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