Cleavage Ban Proposal Shot Down

For 11, 12 and 13 year olds to show this...I would rather not. If I saw one of my 4th graders wearing an extremely low cut shirt, I will send her to the infirmary to change. The kids dont need the distraction from their education. They have enough distraction already.
True dat!...
OK, the school I went too did have a dress code. It was mostly stated that students couldn't wear any clothing that showed underwear(boxers, panties, bras etc), the belly button. There had to be sleeves on the shirt, or an undershirt under the tank top. health issue for the cafe. Shorts couldn't be short shorts, they had to be soo many inches down from the hip, again, if they where to high, then your underwear can be seen. The thin strap shirts that gals like to wear where a no no, again, bra was shown in those.

It was kinda funny, cause 1 spring, our school had to make sure everyone knew those rules, cause the VP was wearing a shirt like that for school.

Now, when my daughter, even goes for my 2 boys, get to that age, They going to know that they not going to show off what they have, or don't have, to get a little edge. It more the respect to others then anything else.
There are going to be some young ladies that will be naturally curvy and they cannot help being born this way.

To be told how to dress and to cover up their assets is adding more insult to their vulnerable self-esteem.

Growing up, I was very busty for my age and it was very difficult dressing up without attracting attention.

I can relate to that.

My nurse told me one of her nursing students remembered me from my heart bypass surgery because I had such big boobs. :S

I'm a triple d.

I won't wear any prints across my breasts as I don't want to bring attention to my bust.