Clean and Check Service. How do they check HAs?


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2012
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I sent my Naidas off last year to be cleaned and checked and they came back as working okay and not needing any repairs etc.

What I've always been curious about is, how do they actually check that the HAs are actually working? They don't just listen to it, do they?

When I had analogs, they used to put it into a machine and it used to tell my Audi.

Hope its not a Clean and Check is not a gimmick!

Anyone know how they actually check the Digital HAs are working properly? :ty:
I've never had that done. Am I missing a good thing here? Where do they send the HAs off to?

I've only taken my HAs to the audi when something is wrong, but thankfully that is extremely rare. Only a couple times in the past 20 years. Most of my audi visits are for new earmolds.

Curious, does the clean and check service cost you anything? Or is it part of your warranty?
Mine have been the same my Audi always checks mine but they clean and check it at the Audi office not sent out. But my warranty is almost up and my one ha is being wonky so my Audi sent it for full repairs and ticked off a bunch of stuff "wrong" with the ha just so they would give it all their attention so that they don't miss anything since my warranty is up in march.
I imagine they would plug it into the computer and check for errors and change the filters too.
I've been told and also red the clean and checks should be carried out every 6 months at the least.