I agree - I hate it when ppl try and say that that would be better for you and all but I give them the all knowing universal sign
then tell them to bite me.
Seriously? hmm I suppose I could agree thats how it was... kinda sad really.
I became deaf when I was 5 - one punch in the head did it and at a time, I really didn't like being deaf, but i eventually got used to it. I've always had a hearing aid and never anything else. But besides that... Mom sent me to hearing schools with support for the deaf, but it wasn't all that great up till I hit 6th grade.
Before that, I never had an interpreter, not once. I don't know how i got through school....I really can't remember much of anything, except having to play in music class... and when i look back on it...it's like the biggest WTF thing in my life, but after 6th grade, thats when things turned out to be awesome! Getting interpreter support was better, way better than anything i've had, but going to NTID was the biggest shock of my life. All during HS, i took my own notes, I did not have a note taker at all and hitting College was a big change because as the professors always told us to pay attention and go over the notes later - they always handed out notes anyway so we could all but watch and discuss, but jeez... there have been times when I wished things could have been different. Different as in a deaf school, but I guess things happen for a reason...