CI user from Iowa


New Member
Apr 15, 2015
Reaction score
Hey thanks for allowing me to join.
Im a cochlear N6 user just a few months into it and has drastically made a difference in my life.
Im 40 married and living in IA.
Hoping to connect with others and im in the process of learning ASL as a back up.
Technology is great but it does have its flaws so never hurts to have another tool to communicate with.
Welcome to alldeaf.
Great your learning ASL
Sign will...(refer to my sig..)
What part of northern IA are you from? I'm from the Fort Dodge area! (I know it's more central- but we consider ourselves northern.)
What part of northern IA are you from? I'm from the Fort Dodge area! (I know it's more central- but we consider ourselves northern.)

We consider you north too, here in the capital city! :lol: