CI Surgery approved today

My incision was really bad too. I have tiny ears but if you look at the picture above it almost looks like I have two ears on that side. That was my very swollen incision. All that in my hair was pustules and they would pop and spread the rash. Thankfully that is all over and I will definitely remember to make a note of that allergy. Of course my CI surgeon was shocked and said he had never seen such a bad allergic reaction before.

I think the decongestant worked on my plugged ear which is great. Now if this tinnitus would quiet down I would like to get to sleep no later then 3am.
So no more underwater feeling? YAY!!

Thanks, it went away about six hours after the Sudafed. But, the Sudafed kept me awake along with my brutal tinnitus. If I could get this tinnitus under control that would be amazing.
A little trick of mine, since I have to take decongestant around the clock in the Spring, is to take my allergy meds with my bedtime dose of decongestant. The drowsy effect in the allergy meds counteracts the stimulant in the decongestant :) Just don't get a non-drowsy allergy med lol.
My incision was really bad too. I have tiny ears but if you look at the picture above it almost looks like I have two ears on that side. That was my very swollen incision. All that in my hair was pustules and they would pop and spread the rash. Thankfully that is all over and I will definitely remember to make a note of that allergy. Of course my CI surgeon was shocked and said he had never seen such a bad allergic reaction before.

I think the decongestant worked on my plugged ear which is great. Now if this tinnitus would quiet down I would like to get to sleep no later then 3am.

Wow, that was really bad.

Good luck finding a good audi. Too bad you live in CA, as there is one audi up here that has been with Cochlear's team for over 25 years, and has seen it all. A little full of herself, but her experience is invaluable.
I reading your comments, it is terrible sorry it is very scared. hope be your heal better you prevent allegic and careful your better heal. stronger your remind.. you better heal normal, take an soon few day, glad of you safety it is pretty good news!
From reading the above comments-one's reaction/healing from Cochlear Implant operation is very specific to you.
In the end-how does one deal with the huge variation- just accept what your doctor advises about YOU.
Aside: that what I was advised in Sunnybrook/Toronto almost 6 years ago-my operation was July 12, 2007
My CI is doing something new tonight and I need help. I am use to all the beeps telling me what program and when my battery is going to die. Tonight on a fully charged battery it is making like a car horn beep-beep every ten minutes or so. Anyone know what this might be? I looked at my manual but didn't see the answer. Thanks!!!

The only thing new is we changed the mic covers. Help!!!!
My CI is doing something new tonight and I need help. I am use to all the beeps telling me what program and when my battery is going to die. Tonight on a fully charged battery it is making like a car horn beep-beep every ten minutes or so. Anyone know what this might be? I looked at my manual but didn't see the answer. Thanks!!!

The only thing new is we changed the mic covers. Help!!!!

I think that is the oil-change warning beep.


No, never heard of that, but I think I had the same issue on my Freedom, and it went away after a couple hours in the drier that came with the kit.
I think that is the oil-change warning beep.


No, never heard of that, but I think I had the same issue on my Freedom, and it went away after a couple hours in the drier that came with the kit.

Hahahaha green427...... I think I found out what it was and OMG I feel so stupid. I seldom use my cel phone, I use my IPad at home. I made hubby dinner and I heard the noise and he said it was my cel phone indicating I had a low battery. I'm charging it now and if that noise stops, I figured it out.:laugh2:
Hahahaha green427...... I think I found out what it was and OMG I feel so stupid. I seldom use my cel phone, I use my IPad at home. I made hubby dinner and I heard the noise and he said it was my cel phone indicating I had a low battery. I'm charging it now and if that noise stops, I figured it out.:laugh2:

lol :)
For some reason today I am really sad I can't hear music any longer. Kind of in a quiet mood, thinking about so many things. Music always use to make me feel better, especially my two daughters playing the piano.

I have a Cochlear Implant. Do any of you other CI users have a better way to listen to music. ie. programs, cables etc.
I would appreciate any help.
right now I'm listening to music via youtube, using only computer speakers. still sounds a bit funny but slowly getting better. I've used direct connect, the FM unit, and headphones too, and using my usual programming. Doesn't Cochlear have a music program? You could ask the audie to add a music program to see if that helps, and try different ways of listening (headphones, direct connect, whichever).
I never got very far on my programming due to other health issues. I feel ready now so I just sent an emal to my audi to see if there is more she can offer. Right now, I do not have the music program on my CI. When I did, it didn't work very well. My car radio, home stereo sound crazy bad right now. It's painful to try to listen to them so I don't. I feel ready, so I hope there is a lot more my audi can offer.

Can most CI users hear TV? Just curious. Feeling positive!!!!
I think I've read from other Cochlear users that they didn't much care for the music program, so they had a general program tweaked to make music sound better. It'll take time, of course, and possibly a few tweak sessions. Hopefully you and your audie can figure out something that works best for music for you!
I'm really having a difficult time with the tinnitus. A couple questions pleas......

When you are out in a loud environment, restaurant, baseball game etc. do you wear your CI? I've tried, turned the volume and sensitivity down so I can try to be part of the conversation, it just does not work for me. Any suggestions?

As you know I have one CI, left ear. Other ear is totally deaf unaided. Do any of you know if there is something out there that helps calm down the tinnitus? I've researched hearing aids with a tinnitus "calmer" but I haven't seen a product for my situation.

We went with a group of people to a loud restaurant, baseball game, then fireworks. I was in total agony the whole night. My head felt like it was going to explode, tinnitus was out of control.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
I have had nothing that will calm or quiet tinnitus except not being stressed and being quiet myself. I am unaided totally, and deal with tinnitus 24/7/365-366. It's daily life for me and I've gotten to where if I don't have it, then I worry. Right now, it's a very quiet presence and calm, but I know when I go back to sit at the table for breakfast, then it's gonna get louder and more irritating. Then if I went to the grocery store, may as well knock me out with a 2 X 4 as it is totally deafening. I can deal with the loud if it's musical.
It sounds like your stim levels are too high, to me, if you can't handle being in a noisy situation for several hours. Maybe you should have a 'low volume' setting for noisy places?

I wear my CI almost every minute I'm awake, no matter how noisy or loud the environment is. In very noisy places I do turn the implant volume and sensitivity down some, but not a great deal. You could try asking your audiologist for help.

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