CI or wait for something better?

This is the desicion only you can make for yourself. It up to you if you want to get C.I. (cochlear implant). I have C.I. (cochlear implant) 3 years ago. I had to go through series of test first before getting approval to get C.I. and then sugery. I am using med-el C.I. and so far I can hear pretty well with it and my speech still good. I was born deaf and wear hearing aid my whole life. So far I have no regret getting C.I. and I know there are few types of C.I. brands. Suggest talk with your doctor to see which one is best for you. Hope it all works out for you. :)
I agree with all the wonderful advise. I chose not to wait, I also chose not to just implant my "bad ear." I had bilateral C.I. implants. It has changed my life completely. I started losing my hearing at age 3 from rheumetic fever. I was implanted at 38 in July of this year. The first step is talk to your doctor and get a refer for a C.I. evaluation.

I'm not big on wait and see, I love the fact that 5 years down the road, I will be enjoying the sounds of life.
This is very difficult, yes - what's better - wait for a newer technology or go for the well known existing one...
well from my POV the CI technology is being perfected by now, and the newer ones are still in more experimental like stages. So I guess the quality and 'surety' would be better with CI.. and is it worth waiting up to 10 years to have something more advanced? it's up to you to decide..
As for the fact of your deafness and wish to understand spoken langauge better - I suppose you are a very good CI candidate.

Well I'm going to use my worst ear to get implanted with today tecnology and I'm going to get nucleus freedom implanted on january 15th 2008, the implant is compatable of accepting newer technology to "upgrade" without needing another surgery so you'll be fine and I plan on preserve my better ear for future better technology so that way I don't miss anything out and still have other ear to have any other option in 10+ years so maybe you can do same?
The problem with waiting is..that no one knows if they will even be alive for the next *great* advancement to come out in regards to hearing loss. I can't guarantee I will be alive 10 years from now. H

Heck I cant even guarantee I will live to see tomorrow. So my philosphy in getting the CI was live for today and hear for today.

I would rather hear today than hear again 10 years from now.

The CI decision is a very personal one. And I believe to make a decision from a forum is not a good idea. Your best bet is to even see if you are a candidate and go from there. The only one that can answer if a CI and the surgery is right for you is *after candidacy is determined* is you!

Ofc, those of us who have success with the CI is gonna tell you that you should get one or determine to get one. Those *against* a CI are gonna tell you against one.

You are the one that is gonna have to go through the surgery if you are accepted as a candidate. You are the one that is gonna have learn to hear with the CI. You are the one that is gonna have to realize that a CI is nothing like a hearing aid. You are the one that is gonna have to accept that you could be one of those that get one and may fail. You are the one that is gonna have to determine if all these risks are worth the chance to hear again.