For your information:
I'm very sad when I read the the Deaf news yesterday.
Now I'm going to ask you the question:
Did you know that over 100 of people died due to meningitis after CI operation? Well, there're also 3 small children died in Germany, too.
Would you accept the risk to implant your babies to small children like this?
Every doctors could be mistakes sometimes.
I feel that the parents who agree to implant the babies to small children are being brainwash by those doctors, scientist, media etc. The doctors only think their own interests to being well-known in the world, also of course, MONEY. They had been tried again with 2nd CI to improve old one (1st CI around 1970 to 1980) BUT what if they will try again with 3rd CI to improve more than 2nd one next time? Oh No! (Excuse me for open like this).
Please don't get me wrong. I'm not against CI but I strongly believe that the children & adults are the ONE who decide what they want. I would of agree to implant my child if he/she want it but I wouldn't do it tomorrow.
It take few years time to support my child's decision is take him/her to meet hearing, deaf & CI world until he/she learn what good or bad advantages etc. The children has the right to share their opinions with hearing, deaf or CI people which it's good for them to collect their own experience. I would support my children's choice/wish INSTEAD of wait until they are 18 years old.
Please don't insult CI people for liar etc BECAUSE they know through their OWN experience & their OWN feeling, not us. I received a lot of sad stories from CI people, too.
> How they had been forced to implant by their parents etc
> How the parents didn't accept their children's rejection for CI etc
> How they broke their contact with their parents for that etc.
They (CI) people have no reason to tell the lies how unhappy they are with CI etc.
Don't even say that the deaf is one who made a bad influence on people's decision over that CI because it's no true. Of course, there're many CI discussion here, too. Most of parents here regretted what they did their children. What a sad because they were being influence by doctors, etc, that how their children lost their respect for their parents!
I also received the reason why the children or adults decided to received the CI. I respect their decision because they are old enough to know what right etc.
One of mainly interesting stories:
A good friend of mine lost HOH to deaf few years ago but she rejected Doctor's recommend for CI operation for the reason:
At first we suggested her to do CI to hear again. She went to Doctor for the advice. She had the strange feeling when the doctor introduced her to 55 years old lady who just had CI operation. She listen a old lady's view over CI why she want etc after lost HOH to deaf. It put her off when a old lady told her that she is agreed to receive a CI with the recommend from doctor. She had the feeling that the doctor didn´t tell her the truth but only think his own interest & money. Her last word to him: "|Its understandable when the young children received the CI but old lady?"... The doctor didnt respond her question but just say: "it makes her happy to hear again". She went to Specialist for CI. They give her the honest answer what good or bad advantages etc. They support her decision for 6 months until she decided to not have an CI operation. Her parents also supported her decision, too. She have a wonderful relationship with her parents & siblings because she feel being love & respect by them. She is happy to live with hearing aid.
I get well with CI people because they accept what I am as same as I accept what they are, too. It's no problem.
That's all what I have in my opinion. I like to hear your opinion of disagree or agree etc. That´s okay because I like to collect your opinions too.
To me, I'm proud to being deaf. I won't let anyone to make negatives over Deaf....