CI Moments

Today I was talking on the phone to my husband and Miss Kat was sitting about 6 feet away playing with ponies. I was telling him about our day and I said something to the effect of "Yeah, we worked on a little speech and she did great". Well, Miss Kat looked up and said and sign "Speech?" She heard and understood that word when she wasn't being directed to listen, she wasn't paying attention, and I wasn't even talking to her! She overheard me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that's great, faire_jour.
Today I was talking on the phone to my husband and Miss Kat was sitting about 6 feet away playing with ponies. I was telling him about our day and I said something to the effect of "Yeah, we worked on a little speech and she did great". Well, Miss Kat looked up and said and sign "Speech?" She heard and understood that word when she wasn't being directed to listen, she wasn't paying attention, and I wasn't even talking to her! She overheard me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Awesome blossom. I'm still working on getting my brain to wake up. That's what you get for being deaf since birth! I hear too many random things to even start on listening to speech. Loudest thing ever now: Shuffling of papers. And there's a LOT of that at work.... ahhh!!!!
Awesome blossom. I'm still working on getting my brain to wake up. That's what you get for being deaf since birth! I hear too many random things to even start on listening to speech. Loudest thing ever now: Shuffling of papers. And there's a LOT of that at work.... ahhh!!!!

Oh, that dreaded sound of paper. I heard that all through my hearing loss. When I couldn't understand a blooming word a person said, I could still hear that paper. And the audi kept telling me that was a good thing as the sound was in the same range as speech. Funny, since the CI, it doesn't bother me as much since I am hearing so many other sounds..I guess we all have new sounds that we focus on.
I was driving home from work yesterday and wasn't really in the mood for the tunes I usually listen to on my mp3 player. I turned on the radio instead to an "oldies" channel and was quite happy just hearing the drums in the songs that were playing. All of a sudden, I realized I knew the song that was playing and could understand, word for word, the chorus of Paul Simon's 50 ways to leave your lover. Awesome!! Still doesn't sound like what I remember, but a real sign of progress.
Miss Kat is letting us read book out loud to her! 6 months ago she would throw a fit if we "dared" use our voice (and I don't mean just our voices, I mean one reads the other signs) but in the last week or so, she lets us VOICE ONLY!

Also, in therapy she was able to tell the difference between "boo", "bow"(like hair bow, not "bow down") "bee" and "bye"! Again, voice only no lipreading!
So I'm chilling at work, its the afternoon, a couple more hours to go, I pour myself a Coke to help me stay awake, look over documents when... I hear a medium sound. I thought it was my computer acting up. It sounded like a zzzzzz.

You know what it is? It was the sound of the Coke fizzing!


I am so drinking Coke more often with LOTS of ice!
Wow! Even though I do not have a CI, I love coming here to read about the CI moments you CI users have experienced. Makes me happy for all of you! :)
Yesterday went to Cheesecake Factory and whoa the noise and echos !! I popped the CI magnet off and enjoyed the silence. And it was dark in there too, hard to read lips in the dark lol
Uh.. at this point, I'm a little freaked out by what I can hear! A deaf friend stopped by and we were talking about a name sign for me, and since I work with rockets, he suggested maybe doing a rocket sign but instead of using r, make a V for Vicky. He demonstrated the sign for me, and I freaked out... I asked him to do it again and again.

People..... I can actually hear the light scrape of his finger (one leg of the V) against his palm as he did the "launch". Granted, he has rough skin on his hands but still ... OMG, wtf?! That is kinda insane, and I haven't even reached my maximum threshold yet!
"People..... I can actually hear the light scrape of his finger (one leg of the V) against his palm as he did the "launch"."

i can't even hear that kind of sound with 2 ci's. wow!
"People..... I can actually hear the light scrape of his finger (one leg of the V) against his palm as he did the "launch"."

i can't even hear that kind of sound with 2 ci's. wow!

It's VERY strange because it seems like I can't hear other things. People have called my name behind my back, but I can't seem to distinguish it from the noise in the background (YES PEOPLE AT WORK STILL TALK ALL DAY GRRR :mad2:). Ah well.... it's definitely an adventure...
It's VERY strange because it seems like I can't hear other things. People have called my name behind my back, but I can't seem to distinguish it from the noise in the background (YES PEOPLE AT WORK STILL TALK ALL DAY GRRR :mad2:). Ah well.... it's definitely an adventure...

i wouldn't sweat it because you were born profoundly deaf and are doing exceptionally well with your ci. :D
by the way daredevel, i'm not surprised that you can't recognize your name in background noise. i had the same problem when i only had one ci. even now that i have 2 ci's, i still have difficulty hearing my name whenever there is background noise.
How about a pre-CI moment? I did a photoshoot with a photographer a few weeks ago and he mentioned that posing was difficult for me because I can't hear the camera click. Normally a model would hear that click and know she could change her pose.

Well I was at work a few days later and out of the blue I think "I bet a CI can hear the camera click!"

I don't have a sugery date yet and I'm already having moments.

(I need to introduce myself too. Soon.)

Daredeavil, I can hear other people rubbing their hands and signing!! I couldn't believe it.
And don't worry i still can't recongise my name out of background noises!

Sajego, As ci user i can hear the camera clicks but only if the camera is in my hands.

What history of deafness do you have? Have you had your assessments? What Ci are you going for?

Good luck and keep expectations low.

This morning I heard myself stroking the dog..
Birds singing... yes!! spring's here!
Yesterday i heard phone ringing inside somebody's house while passing by the house..
Now uses her cellphone on ring tone rather than on vibrate alert.

This morning I heard myself stroking the dog..
Birds singing... yes!! spring's here!
Yesterday i heard phone ringing inside somebody's house while passing by the house..
Now uses her cellphone on ring tone rather than on vibrate alert.

<wave> Progressing every day, aren't you? <giggle>

I am very happy!

Birds aren't chirping outside quite yet because it is still winter! Today it's freezing cold and rainy. Birds are sweet to listening to except in summer where they tend to wake me up at 5am on a Saturday morning then I wish they could just shush up! <smile>
