I'm just wondering if they make them for people who have a CI. It seems logical to have one. I mean if there's an emergency it can tell them they have a CI (Or had one if it was knocked off in an accident) and that they cannot hear without it. Cannot have a normal MRI. To check their wallet, purse or pocket for the card and so forth.
I did a search and really didn't find anything for it yet. So I'm wondering if any of you know about it or possibly have one.
Ron Jaxon
I keep a card in my wallet. This card was provided to me by Cochlear Americas when I was implanted.
But I really ought to get a medical bracelet, though, not only because I have a CI, but also because of the medications I am on, and my disabilities and disorders, and so they would know my name, and besides, it can be easy for you to get separated from your wallet/purse during an accident or something. I wouldn't want them to give me an emergency medication that could have a bad interaction to my medications that I am already on - that would be really bad! I also have a couple of medication allergies - I am allergic to the IV contrast that they use for MRIs/CT scans and I also have bad reactions to a certain IV medication - it makes my head hurt real bad for some reason! I have a food allergy as well - shellfish. I also keep a list of my medications and doctors' names in my wallet in my purse as well too, updated every month or whenever a medication has been changed, added, or taken off the list or when there is a change in doctors. I also keep a list of the disabilities and disorders I have as well, so that the medical staff will know what to do, will know to get an interpreter and such. You just never know what could happen. I want to find a place that will engrave jewelry without the "obvious" medical symbol (the one with the snake or whatever the hell it is) because I don't want to draw attention from other strangers when there is no emergency. I want to be discreet when there is no emergency. I don't want to explain myself to strangers when it's not necessary to do so. Sometimes strangers can be so nosy and I don't like that. I want just a plain durable silver-colored bracelet that has my name on it and says I am deaf and that I have a CI and that I cannot have a MRI and am on medications, and to look in my wallet for a card with more medical information.
I know an electronic bracelet has been invented kind of recently but it is still not really recommended on its own because EMTs can't access it as they would need a computer to access it - they would have to wait until you make it to the ER in order to get access to a computer, and by then you could die or be severely injured more. I think it would be best to have a regular bracelet in addition to the electronic bracelet - the regular silver bracelet with the most important information and then the electronic bracelet for the extra stuff. Electronic bracelets are sold at pharmacies now for about $30 in my area. What if the electronic bracelet gets broken in an accident anyway? Then it would be rendered useless. I don't think it is water proof either. What if you get into a boating accident? Or fall and drown? A plain silver bracelet is a very good back-up. It's good for identification purposes anyway, in case you die in an accident or gosh forbid, someone kills you, your next of kin can ID you if your face gets messed up beyond recognizance or something or if you have no identificating scars or marks or if you have no next of kin, you can still be identified. I could tattoo my name but I do not like my real name so I won't be doing that. At least not until I change my name officially and then I can go ahead and tattoo it. My sister had her first name tattooed on her recently.
I think I will look into it tomorrow. I don't know if I should get a necklace or a bracelet. Do EMTs often check ankles? I don't want to wear it on my wrist or around my necks where the whole world can see and wonder what is wrong with me. I'll ask a friend of mine who has a seizure disorder what she thinks. I just don't like it when people are nosy and wonder what is wrong with me.
I think I also may label the insides of my clothes with my full name but that brings back unpleasant memories and I don't wish to explain why, it's very personal. I would rather wear a bracelet with my name instead.
I used to have a bracelet in the 80s when I was a child that had my name and address and says that I am deaf. So did my godsister (she's deaf also). But I no longer live at the same address and the bracelet has been long lost since then. I wonder if the mall still makes them like they did back then. I'll ask my fiance to take me to the mall and see.