CI appt :)

Have you managed to get 2 x Naida UP aids yet?
Ah that's pants. Hope things settle down soon and things get sorted. :)
nope but then again I haven't had an audiogram because I've been avoiding it..

Don't give up - persevere no matter what they throw at you. I find that insurance companies always look to throw up road blocks instead of being part of the solution. Two things can come of this - either you'll find hearing aids that work better than you ever expected, or you'll succeed at getting approval for the surgery - neither of which will happen if you throw you're hands in the air and give up. Hang in there.....

As I understand an "audiogram" just a plotting of one's hearing test.

As I said above have had many audiograms over the years-the last one which showed NO hearing at 105 db was accepted at Sunnybrook/Toronto. I was NOT retested at all. That was in 2007.

Perhaps the procedures here are "different" than Ottawa?

Again good luck AliciaM in getting some resolution-soon!
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

Drphil - so you haven't had a new map since 2007 ? That seems odd.
He meant pure tone audiogram, i haven't had one since 2008 either (since i had the CI). they only have been testing on me with CI on.
Anji I don't consider Mapping a "hearing test". I believe I have had 4 separate mapping sessions at Sunnybrook/Toronto-2007.